Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh got married in 2018, and it was on the second day of Ganesh Chaturthi when they got blessed with a baby girl. While everyone was eagerly waiting for the newbie parents to share a glimpse of their baby girl and announce her name, they did the same on the auspicious occasion of Diwali. Deepika and Ranveer have chosen the name Dua for their little one, and we couldn’t stop melting over the post. Well, now Deepika shared how her newborn’s antics make her heart burst.
Deepika Padukone shares how her newborn, Dua’s cutesy antics make her heart burst
Taking to her IG handle, a while ago, Deepika Padukone re-shared a reel about newborns. The subject of the video was what antics of these little babies keep the hearts of their moms, and everyone around them burst. As per the video, the way the newborns hold someone’s finger with their whole hands, sleep with their mouths wide open, stretch while waking up, and how they suck on everything when they are hungry, can all make one’s heart melt, and we cannot deny that as well.
Apart from that, the way the newborns scrunch, sleep with their arms above their heads, lay on anyone’s belly all scrunched up, and sleep through anything and everything can burst one’s heart, and Deepika is no exception. Thus, she took to her IG handle and shared the post by tagging her husband, Ranveer, which can be enough to say that the newbie parents are in awe of their Dua’s aura.
Watch the video here.
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh shared the first glimpse of their princess along with her cutesy name
It was on November 1, 2024, when Deepika and Ranveer, in a collaborative post, dropped the first-ever photo of their daughter. In the photo, we could see the teeny tiny feet of the little one, who was decked up in a red Anarkali with gorgeous golden floral work all over. Sharing the post, Deepika revealed that their daughter’s name is Dua, which means ‘Prayer’. The actress revealed how her daughter is the answer to all of her and Ranveer’s prayers, and thus, this unique and beautiful name.
Ranveer Singh shared how he and Deepika juggle their parenting duties
It was on October 7, 2024, when Ranveer Singh graced the trailer launch event of Singham Again, which his wife, Deepika couldn’t attend. For the unversed, the husband and wife duo is featured in the film, along with their then-to-be-born baby, as the actress was pregnant while filming for this film. Well, at the event, Ranveer called his daughter, Baby Simmba. The actor also mentioned that Deepika couldn’t come as she was at home with their daughter, and his baby duties are at night.
Watch the video here.
What do you think about Deepika expressing her happiness with Dua with IG reels?
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