Rohit Bal, a famous fashion designer left the entire nation crying after he left for his heavenly abode on Deepavali on November 1, 2024. As per several reports, Rohit passed away after a year-long battle with a critical heart condition following an episode in 2023. The entire industry has taken to social media handles and paid tribute to the famous designer, who was also a founding member of FDCI. Well, it was Arjun Rampal who recently marked his presence at the last rites of the designer in Delhi.
Arjun Rampal attends the last rites of the famous designer, Rohit Bal
In several videos that went viral, Arjun Rampal could be seen decked up in a white ensemble as he attended his friend, Rohit Bal‘s last rites. His girlfriend, Gabriella Demetriades, also accompanied him. The late fashion designer was cremated at the Lodhi Road crematorium. Apart from Arjun, Sunil Sethi, JJ Valaya, Varun Bahl, and Rohit Gandhi were also present at the last rites of Rohit.
Watch the video here.
For those who don’t know, Arjun Rampal and Rohit Bal had a close bond. The actor turned showstopper for several of the late designer’s fashion shows. Rohit belonged to Kashmir, and his work had a deep-rooted touch from that place. Well, it was Arjun who walked the grand finale of Rohit Bal’s Kashmir-inspired collection, Gulbagh. In several interviews, Rohit has called Arjun as a brother, and the actor did the same. Arjun also used to fondly call Rohit as ‘Ratty’.
Rohit Bal made a comeback to the ramp in 2024 with his last collection
If there’s a will, there’s a way, and the late designer, Rohit Bal proved the same when within a few months after going through tough physical conditions. He made a stunning comeback to the runway during Lakme Fashion Week X FDCI’s Grand Finale for his last collection, Kaaynaat, which means nature. Well, in several photos that made rounds, we could see the designer struggling to walk during the show, but he didn’t give up, and like a true hero, he gave the proper justice to the tag, ‘The show must go on’. Ananya Pandey, who was the showstopper, was seen giving the designer a rose and helping him to walk.
Rohit Bal’s battle with heart-related issues
If the reports are to be believed, Rohit Bal’s medical history traces prolonged heart-related issues. It was back in 2010 when the designer had an angioplasty after suffering a cardiac arrest. The same was followed by a serious condition in 2023 when the designer reportedly was unconscious and was rushed to the Medanta hospital.
We wish Rohit Bal’s family strength to get over this tough condition!
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