Apart from his stellar on-screen performances and charismatic persona, Shah Rukh Khan is also known for his generosity and kindness. King Khan celebrated his 59th birthday on Saturday, November 2. On the occasion, security was heightened outside his Mumbai bungalow, Mannat. Now, as per a post making rounds on the internet, the actor’s team is seen distributing food boxes to Mumbai Police personnel stationed outside Mannat to manage the large crowd. In the clip, policemen can be seen holding boxes, presumably filled with food or goodies. A fan shared the video on X (formerly Twitter) with the caption, “Latest: King SRK’s team sends food containers to Mumbai Police. King for a reason.”
Latest: King SRK’s team send food containers to Mumbai Police. King for a reason. @iamsrk pic.twitter.com/xcTHX4rEra
— Nidhi (@SrkianNidhiii) November 2, 2024
This year, Shah Rukh Khan skipped his usual ritual of greeting fans from the balcony of his residence, Mannat. Instead, he delighted fans with a special event organised at the Bal Gandharva Rang Mandir hall in Mumbai. During the event, SRK engaged with fans and answered their questions. Afterwards, the actor posted a heartfelt note for his admirers on Instagram. He wrote, “Thank you for coming over and making my evening special… my love to everyone who made it for my birthday. And for those who couldn’t, sending you all my love.” The post included a picture of SRK in his iconic open-arms pose.
Shah Rukh Khan’s wife, interior designer Gauri Khan, also shared a picture from an intimate celebration. In the snap, SRK, Gauri and their daughter, actress Suhana Khan, are seen together. As the birthday boy cuts the cake, the mother-daughter duo stands beside him. The side note read, “A memorable evening last night with friends and family… happy birthday.”
On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan was last seen in Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki, which also featured Taapsee Pannu, Boman Irani and Vicky Kaushal in key roles. Up next, SRK is expected to share screen space with his daughter Suhana Khan in Sujoy Ghosh’s film, King.
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