Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has once again become the target of threats, this time from an alleged member of the notorious Bishnoi gang. The latest threat, delivered via WhatsApp to the Mumbai traffic control room, demands a hefty sum of Rs. 5 crores or a visit to a Bishnoi temple in Rajasthan. This is the second such threat in ten days, prompting heightened security measures for the actor.
Salman Khan’s security beefed up by Mumbai Police after receiving second death threat in 10 days: Report
The Bishnoi community, known for its reverence for the blackbuck, has a long-standing animosity towards Salman Khan due to a poaching case from the late 1990s. This historical context, coupled with the ongoing rivalry between Khan and the Bishnoi gang, has made the actor a persistent target for threats and intimidation.
As per the Money Control report, the recent WhatsApp message, purportedly from a Bishnoi gang member, included specific demands and threats. The sender warned of dire consequences if Khan failed to comply with their demands. The Mumbai police, taking the threat seriously, initiated an immediate investigation. Cyber experts were roped in to trace the origin of the message, which initially appeared to be sent from Karnataka. However, the use of a VPN by the sender complicated the investigation, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact location.
A significant breakthrough came with the arrest of a 35-year-old man in Bengaluru. The suspect, a welder by profession, was detained based on information shared by the Mumbai police. While the man’s direct connection to the Bishnoi gang remains unclear, the police are investigating whether he acted independently or had links to the criminal network.
Despite the suspect’s apparent lack of a criminal background, the Mumbai police are treating the threat with utmost seriousness. A senior police official emphasized the need to take all threats against a prominent public figure like Salman Khan seriously, regardless of their perceived credibility. The case has been registered under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, including extortion and criminal intimidation. “We cannot dismiss these messages outright, especially considering the actor’s previous experiences and the heightened public interest surrounding him,” the officer stated.
The recent threats have necessitated a significant increase in Salman Khan’s security detail. Mumbai police have deployed additional security personnel to guard the actor’s residence and monitor his movements. The police are also working closely with other law enforcement agencies to ensure comprehensive security coverage.
Khan’s security team has been instructed to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the police immediately. The actor himself has been advised to exercise caution and avoid unnecessary public appearances.
ALSO READ: Salman Khan receives fresh death threat from Lawrence Bishnoi gang; demands apology or payment of Rs 5 crores: Report
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