Ekta Kapoor is preparing for the release of Sambarmati Report, a Vikrant Massey-starrer set against the 2022 Godhra train burning incident, hitting theaters on November 15. In addition to this, she has several upcoming projects, including Bhooth Bangla, directed by Priyadarshan and starring Akshay Kumar, slated for 2025. She also has Vann, featuring Siddharth Malhotra and directed by Panchayat‘s Deepak Mishra. Furthermore, Ekta Kapoor has signed Rahi Anil Barve, the director of Tumbbad, for a new feature film.
Ekta Kapoor teams up with Tumbbad director Rahi Anil Barve for new film, also plans Ragini MMS 3 in 2025: Report
Sources close to the development reveal that Ekta Kapoor, a big fan of Tumbbad, was highly impressed by Rahi Anil Barve’s work. She has signed him for a new feature film to be produced by Balaji. The script is currently in development, and the film is expected to be a high-concept project for the big screen. Production is likely to begin next year once the script is finalized. Ekta intends to cast a top-tier actor from the younger generation for the film.
The source also revealed that Ekta Kapoor is excited about Rahi Anil Barve’s directorial as a creative venture. In addition to the films mentioned, Ekta has commissioned Rajat Arora to develop Ragini MMS 3. The source added, “It’s another project that Ekta is looking to take on floors in 2025. Rajat Arora is working on the script of Ragini MMS 3, and as suggested by the title, the film will feature 3 female leads in the most stunning avatar. Ragini MMS 3 will also go on floors sometime next year, and the timelines will be locked once Rajat Arora locks the screenplay draft.”
The source clarified that Ragini MMS 3 and the Rahi Anil Barve film are separate projects, both scheduled to go on floors in 2025. Meanwhile, pre-production for Bhooth Bangla and Vann has already begun, with both films expected to kick off in the first quarter of 2025, likely by January. Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for more updates.
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