Kashmera Shah, wife of comedian Krushna Abhishek, is a famous Bollywood and television personality. She recently had an accident, where she sustained severe injuries. The actress recently informed her fans of the accident with a post on Instagram. She uploaded a picture of tissues soaked in blood, and wrote a caption expressing her gratitude, and mentioned how she is eagerly waiting to reunite with her husband and kids. She also updated her fans and followers about her condition.
Kashmera wrote, “Thank u god for saving me. Such a freak accident. <i>Kuch bada hone wala tha… chote main nikal gaya</i> ((Something big could have happened, but things did not get too serious). Hope there won’t be any scarring. Live every day one moment at a time. Can’t wait to come back. Really missing my family today @krushna30 #rayaanksharma #krishaangksharma.”
See the post here:
Her friends and family were shocked, and also shared their wishes in the comments section. Her husband Krushna wrote, “Thank god u safe now,” Tannaz Irani wrote, “Omg this is scary! I hope you are ok now.” Even Pooja Bhatt was concerned about her and wrote, “Oh Lord. What on earth happened Kash? Trust you are being taken care of?” while TV actress Kishwer Merchantt wrote, “Omg are u ok ?”
Fans too wished for her to get well soon, urging her to take care of her health. One fan wrote, “Stay safe and healthy,” while another wrote, “God is always, there’s to take care of you.”
Coming to her work front, Kashmera Shah was last seen in the cooking reality show Laughter Chefs, where she came along with her husband.
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