Ranbir Kapoor graced the 2024 edition of the International Film Festival of India in Goa, where he announced a Raj Kapoor special film festival dedicated to his grandfather on his birth centenary. Speaking to renowned director Rahul Rawail at the event, Ranbir emphasised on the importance of remembering great artists who immortalised Indian cinema. His uncle Kunal Kapoor collaborated with NFDC, NFAI, and Film Heritage of India to restore the iconic movies of Raj Kapoor. During the conversation, Ranbir made an amusing revelation about his wife Alia Bhatt when he first met her.
Underlining the reason why it is important to remember the icons of India, he said, “We are going to have a film festival from 13th to 15th December. All over India, we are going to release his (Raj Kapoor’s) movies. So, I am really hopeful you guys will check out his work because there are so many people who have not seen his work. Like the first time I met Alia, she asked me, ‘Who is Kishore Kumar?’ So, it’s just that circle of life; artists are forgotten, and newer artists come. It is very important we remember our roots. Not just Mr Raj Kapoor, there are so many filmmakers and artists that we should constantly celebrate. And I am really grateful to IFFI for doing this.”
He was then asked if he would have liked his grandfather to direct any of his films, the Animal actor said, “Because he made Bobby and was always amazing with love stories, I would really like to see him direct Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani and celebrate the music and the characters.”
Ranbir’s current lineup of films has some of the biggest projects of his career. This includes Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana alongside Sai Pallavi and Yash, which releases on Diwali 2026 and the second part on Diwali 2027. There is also Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love And War, for which he is currently shooting in Bikaner. The movie will also feature Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal. He will also work in Yash Raj Films’ Dhoom 4.
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