Legendary singer, Asha Bhosle recently left audiences with jaws dropped after performing a mesmerising rendition of the popular track, Tauba Tauba from Bad Newz starring Vicky Kaushal and Triptii Dimri. Asha added her classic charm to the viral number first performed by Punjabi singer, Karan Aujla, and a clip of the same has recently taken the internet by storm. Not only are netizens obsessed with Asha’s take on Tauba Tauba, but seemingly so is Karan Aujla as he reacted to the video, calling it an iconic moment he will never forget.
Asha Bhosle performs Karan Aujla’s Tauba Tauba at a concert and cutely performs its signature step
A video of iconic singer, Asha Bhosle putting her own spin on Karan Aujla’s Tauba Tauba was uploaded to Instagram by Kadak FM on December 29, 2024. Since then, the clip has gone viral, wowing not only the audience present at the concert but also netizens online. In it, Asha was seen singing the song and cutely grooving to it. Asha even performed its viral hook step, and let’s just say she proved that she is a legend for a reason yet again! The caption for the video read, “@karanaujla & @vickykaushal09 NEED to see this!”
Watch the video here.
Karan Aujla reacts to Asha Bhosle, ‘the living Goddess of music,’ singing his song
Well, Kadak FM’s manifestation in their caption came true as singer, Karan Aujla not only saw Asha Bhosle’s video but also reacted to it. The Softly singer, humbled by the iconic singer’s performance of his viral track, took to his Instagram story with a lengthy note about the moment, calling it one he will never forget. Karan’s heartfelt note read:
“@asha.bhosle ji The living Goddess of music, Just performed tauba tauba… a song written by a kid that grew up in a small village, with no music background and no knowledge of musical instruments. A melody made by someone who doesn’t play any instrument. This song has received a lot of love and recognition amongst not only fans but also music artists, but this moment is truly iconic and one I will never forget. I am truly blessed and thankful. This has really inspired me to keep giving you all such melodies and create more memories together.”
In a follow-up story, Karan reshared the video of Asha Bhosle singing Tauba Tauba and adorably grooving to the track. He added yet another sweet note to the video as he wrote, “I wrote it at 27. She sang it at 91 better than me.” Well, netizens are surely hoping for a reaction from Vicky Kaushal as well after Karan’s touching words.
Netizens and celebrities laud Asha Bhosle as a living legend in the comment section
Asha Bhosle left netizens and celebrities floored with her charming rendition of Karan Aujla’s Tauba Tauba, and they couldn’t resist flooding the video’s comment section with praises for her. Actor, Neil Nitin Mukesh penned, “legend for a reason. God bless tai,” while actress, Elli Avram wrote, “What a true artist she is legend!” Music composer and director, Palaash Muchhal also dropped a heart and high-five emoji in the comments, while singer, Aditi Singh Sharma commented, “HOW cute is this Cannot believe she is 91 & killing it with the singing & dance moves.” One fan even hilariously tagged Karan Aujla in their comment, penning, “@karanaujla you got a competition.”
What do you think about Asha Bhosle’s rendition of Tauba Tauba and Karan Aujla’s reaction to it?
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