Bollywood actress, Neha Dhupia is an ardent cricket fan. She is over the moon as she recently went to watch the first test cricket match of her life, and for the same, she wore her late father-in-law, Bishan Singh Bedi’s test cricket sweater. Neha felt nostalgic and penned an emotional post revealing how she had got the sweater from Bishan, as a wedding gift. Neha also posted an array of pictures of her wearing the same, as she enjoyed watching the first-ever test cricket match of her life.
Neha Dhupia remembers her late father-in-law, Bishan Singh Bedi as she wears his sweater
It was on May 10, 2018, that Neha Dhupia got married to Angad Bedi in an intimate Anand Karaj ceremony that had taken place in Delhi. The pair has been blissfully married for more than 6 years now and are parents to two adorable kids- Mehr and Guriq Singh Dhupia Bedi. Neha’s late father-in-law, Bishan Singh Bedi was a legendary left-arm spinner and the former captain of the Indian cricket team. The actress recently went to watch her first test cricket in person, and she was overwhelmed as she wore her late father-in-law, Bishan Singh Bedi’s white sweater. She teamed it up with red jeans, black shades, posted an array of selfies and a live video from the test cricket match. Neha wrote an emotional post and remembered how Bishan had gifted her his test cricket match sweater as a wedding present. Her post read:
“Wearing this sweater has a different kind of warmth. I remember so clearly when dad asked what would you like as a wedding present i asked him for his test cricket sweater and how it would be the most special gift for me. So here it is , along with his strength, resilience, integrity and generosity, I also feel a sense of honor donning this while watching my first test in person with my @angadbedi. We miss you everyday dad.”
Saba Pataudi remembers Bishan Singh Bedi and her late father, Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi after looking at Neha Dhupia’s post
Saif Ali Khan and Soha Ali Khan’s sister, Saba Pataudi, dropped the sweetest comment on Neha Dhupia’s post. She told the actress that the sweater she received from Bishan was the precious gift of all, and coupled her comment with a cute heart emoji. Saba also wrote in her post that she misses Bishan uncle and her Abba loads, and that they are watching over us and definitely discussing these matches.
When Bishan Singh Bedi had taken to X, formally Twitter to express his feelings for the newly weds, Angad Bedi and Neha Dhupia
Papa Bedi was ecstatic to see his son, Angad as a married man. He had taken to X to write about his son tying the knot with Neha and that the family requested for privacy. His tweet read:
“It was a bombshell of sorts..albeit a pleasant one..@Imangadbedi & @NehaDhupia tie the knot & seek privacy of close family/friends!As Parents we appeal likewise..May GodBless the Couple now & Always!Time to acknowledge marital bliss fr Keeps by Both A&N!Guru MEHR Kareh..!!(sic).”
What do you think of Neha Dhupia’s look in Bishan Singh Bedi’s sweater?
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