Mira Rajput shared the sweetest birthday wish for her mother-in-law, Supriya Pathak. The veteran actress turned 64 on January 7. The entrepreneur posted a heartwarming picture of Supriya Pathak, where she can be seen smiling and talking on the phone.
The photo, posted on Mira Rajput’s Instagram Stories, was taken by none other than Mira and Shahid Kapoor‘s son, Zain. In her caption, Mira wrote, “Happy Birthday Mom. We are the better (half) of the Kapoors club.”
For the unversed, Supriya Pathak is the stepmother of Shahid Kapoor. Shahid is the son of Pankaj Kapur and his first wife, Neelima Azeem. After divorcing Neelima, Pankaj Kapur married Supriya Pathak in 1988. Together, Pankaj and Supriya have two children – son Ruhaan Kapoor and daughter Sanah Kapur.
Back in 2021, Supriya Pathak spoke about how Shahid Kapoor is the “main anchor” of their family. In an interview with Indian Express, the veteran actress shared that Sanah and Ruhaan often discuss films and acting with Shahid.
Supriya Pathak said, “Shahid is their brother. He is their elder brother bhai! He is an integral part of the family. He is our main anchor. It is natural. They are siblings. So, they are constantly around each other. They are like any other siblings. We are a normal family.”
Supriya Pathak also praised Mira Rajput and called her a “great cook”. The actress also mentioned some of her favourite dishes from Mira’s kitchen. “She is a great cook. She makes lovely appam and stew and Khao Suey. So yes, I have tasted her haath ka khaana. But sadly, I don’t know how to click photos and I do not have an Instagram profile, so I cannot share with you guys. But she makes amazing food,” Supriya Pathak said.
Mira Rajput got married to Shahid Kapoor in 2015. The couple welcomed daughter Misha in 2016 and son Zain in 2018.
On the work front, Shahid Kapoor was last seen in Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya with Kriti Sanon.
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