The Ram Charan-led Game Changer has taken a fair start at the box office in Hindi though the business was aided by self-buyings from the producers. According to early estimates, Game Changer has collected in the range of Rs. 70 crore to Rs 7.50 crores on the first day, opening more or less in the same range as his counterpart, NTR Jr.’s last release, Devara.
The word of mouth seems to be decent and that’s a positive sign for the film to hold well in the mass belts in long run. The first weekend of Game Changer from here-on is expected to be in the range of Rs. 25 to 30 crores, which is a fair result though the fate will be decided by the hold in collections on Monday.
Game Changer released on over 2000 screens in Hindi and has fetched good showcasing all across the board. The ticket prices are also in check, making the film more accessible to the mass audience. The film could have opened better but the trailer and songs were underwhelming and better assets could have pushed first day business around the double digit mark.
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