Kiran Rao turned a year older on Thursday. Needless to say, friends and industry colleagues are showering the Laapataa Ladies director with birthday wishes. Let us take a closer look at some of the celeb posts. Starting with Laapataa Ladies stars – Chhaya Kadam, who played Manju Maai in the movie, shared a photo on Instagram. In the snap, Chhaya and the birthday girl can be seen smiling for the camera. “Happy birthday dear,” wrote Chhaya Kadam in the caption. Resharing the post, Kiran added a thank-you GIF and wrote, “Chhaya,” accompanied by a hug emoji.
Nitanshi Goel, aka Laapataa Ladies‘ Phool Kumari, dropped a note for Kiran Rao. In her Instagram Stories, the actress wrote, “Happy birthday my favourite person K. You, your kindness, your resilience, the way you love & care, every moment spent with you is so so precious. Love you mam.” Reacting to the wish, Kiran Rao said, “Meri Phool Kumari.”
Laapataa Ladies‘ writer, Sneha Desai, uploaded a black-and-white photo of Kiran Rao. Sneha’s side note read, “Happy birthday K. I’s your year. Love you to bits.” Graceful as always, Kiran Rao corrected Sneha by saying, “Our year, Sneha.” The filmmaker also added a hug and two heart emojis to her reaction.
Pooja Kumar, one of the assistant directors of Laapataa Ladies, also dropped a heartwarming wish for the “queen.” She said, “Happy Birthdayyy to the queeeen. Thank you for being the absolute best, best best person. I louv youuu!” In response, Kiran Rao said, “Thank you my love.”
A happy picture of Kiran Rao was shared by director Sanjay Ram. To his “favourite”, the filmmaker said, “Happy Birthday.” Kiran Rao reshared his post in her Instagram Stories.
Kiran Rao also shared a video capturing her midnight birthday celebration. In the clip, we see the director surrounded by friends. Breaking away from tradition, she did not cut a cake; instead, she blew out a candle on a plate that also featured a shot of a drink. Too cool Kiran, too cool. “Hahaha yes this is the way we do birthday cakes nowadays.”
You must be living under a rock if you don’t know that Kiran Rao recently made headlines when her film Laapataa Ladies was selected as India’s official entry for the 2025 Oscars. The director shared her immediate reaction to the exciting news with NDTV. Click here to read the story.
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