With the release of two highly anticipated Bollywood films, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 and Singham Again, the competition at the box office is heating up even before opening day. As of Wednesday at 2:30 PM, early reports indicate that Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 has garnered significant traction at MovieMax theatres across the country, pulling ahead of Singham Again in advance ticket sales. This early lead suggests that audiences are leaning towards a mix of horror and comedy over action this coming Friday, marking an interesting trend for the two fan-favourite franchises.
Advance Bookings as of Wednesday
According to advance booking data, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 has sold approximately 6,000 tickets at MovieMax theatres for Friday showings, positioning it as a likely top performer for its debut day. In contrast, Singham Again has reported the sale of 1,050 tickets for Friday screenings at MovieMax, indicating a more moderate yet steady anticipation among fans for the action-packed sequel.
Audience Preferences
This early lead for Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 highlights a growing trend where audiences are showing an increased preference for horror-comedy blends, possibly due to the success of previous instalments in the Bhool Bhulaiyaa series. The film, known for its mix of thrills, humour, and supernatural elements, has managed to carve a niche in the Bollywood landscape. The anticipation is reflective of the series’ fan base and the broad appeal it holds for families and younger audiences seeking a balanced mix of scares and laughs.
On the other hand, Singham Again caters to fans of high-octane action and dramatic showdowns, with Ajay Devgn reprising his iconic role as the no-nonsense cop, Singham. Despite a slower advance booking rate compared to Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, the film’s draw may be expected to pick up closer to its release as excitement builds and word of mouth spreads.
In the face-off between horror-comedy and action, both films are set to deliver an entertaining spectacle for audiences across India, each offering a unique cinematic experience that aligns with the preferences of their loyal fan bases.
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