Actors Ajay Devgn and Aamir Khan reunited on Saturday night, hinting at a possible sequel to their 1997 hit film Ishq. Fans were thrilled by the actors’ playful banter and shared memories, reigniting enthusiasm for the classic romantic comedy that has since become a beloved cult favourite. The two actors made this exciting revelation at the mahurat of Tera Yaar Hoon Main, the upcoming film marking the debut of Aman Kumar, the son of Ishq director Indra Kumar.
Ajay Devgn and Aamir Khan spark excitement by teasing a sequel to 1997 film Ishq; recall fun moments on the set: “Warmth and love”
Despite being two of Bollywood’s biggest stars, Ajay Devgn and Aamir Khan don’t cross paths frequently. So, when they met on Saturday evening, their bond was palpable, even after years of not sharing the same screen. “I feel very happy whenever I meet Ajay,” Khan shared. “We don’t meet that often, but whenever we do meet, it’s with a lot of warmth and love. I like the guy he is.”
Devgn, fresh off the success of his recent blockbuster Singham Again, chimed in with equal warmth. Reflecting on their time on the Ishq set, he said, “We had so much fun on the sets of Ishq; we should do another one.”
In response, Khan agreed wholeheartedly, saying, “Yes, we should.” With these words, fans across the globe are already speculating and dreaming about what an Ishq sequel could entail, over two decades after the original release.
Ishq (1997) was directed by Indra Kumar and starred Devgn, Khan, along with Kajol and Juhi Chawla, in a humorous yet heartwarming tale that explored love and friendship amid comedic chaos and misunderstandings.
Also present at the mahurat were prominent Bollywood personalities, including veteran actor Aruna Irani, Javed Jaffery, Aftab Shivdasani, and filmmakers like Boney Kapoor, Rajkumar Santoshi, and Anees Bazmee, who all came to celebrate this new milestone for the Kumar family.
ALSO READ: Ajay Devgn and Aamir Khan to attend Muhurat of Milap Zaveri directorial Tera Yaar Hoon Main
More Pages: Ishq Box Office Collection
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