Ajay Devgn and Rohit Shetty are set to collaborate again following the massive success of Singham Again at the box office. During a recent conversation with Pinkvilla, the director confirmed that he will be reviving the fifth installment of his comedy franchise Golmaal. In fact, he also gave an idea about the timeline of the movie. “I think before any cop film for sure Golmaal will be the next,” Rohit confirmed.
After working on an action film, this will be Ajay and Rohit’s transition into the comedy genre. On being asked if this shift from genre to another would be challenging, the Singham Again actor said, “We not switching from one world to the other on sets we are switching from one world to the other between action and cut now you see so on set also you cannot after he’s cut the shot I cannot behave like Singham and keep walking around like Singham so I have to be normal otherwise you’ll go insane.”
In another interview, the director revealed that he wants to take a break from making cop movies and focus on something light. “I would like to take a break from the cop universe…I have been continuously working on cop films since 2008 but now I am really looking forward to creating comedy films…Golmaal is coming next,” Rohit said, adding, “I look forward like whenever it’s such a big Singham after Singham. I want to be in that world where it is lighter and happier and I’m not worried.”
Singham Again is nearing the Rs 300 crore mark at the box office, making it the most successful movie of the franchise so far.
Coming to the Golmaal franchise, the four films so far – Golmaal: Fun Unlimited, Golmaal Returns, Golmaal 3, and Golmaal Again, have all been loved and appreciated by the audience.
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