New Delhi:
As Singham Again inches closer to its release date, Ajay Devgn has announced his next project. The actor will be seen in Abhishek Kapoor’s action-adventure film, which will also mark the Bollywood debut of Raveena Tandon’s daughter Rasha Thadani and Ajay’s nephew Aaman Devgn. The makers have revealed the title of the movie – Azaad. It will be released in January 2025. Bollywood trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the new poster of the film on Instagram. It featured a man dressed in a mediaeval costume as he rode a horse. His face is covered behind the mane of the horse. The note attached to the post read, “AJAY DEVGN – AAMAN DEVGAN – RASHA THADANI FILM TITLED ‘AZAAD’… TEASER ON DIWALI… JAN 2025 RELEASE… Azaad is the title of director Abhishek Kapoor’s next film, an action-adventure.”
He added, “Stars [introducing] Aaman Devgan [nephew of Ajay Devgn] and Rasha Thadani [daughter of Anil Thadani and Raveena Tandon]. Ajay Devgn features in a powerful role… Also stars Diana Penty. Azaad Teaser will be seen with the Diwali releases, Singham Again and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, in theatres on 1 Nov 2024. Produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Pragya Kapoor.”
Newcomers Rasha Thadani and Aaman Devgn recently attended Ramesh Taurani’s Diwali party in Mumbai. They met director Abhishek Kapoor at the event and posed for a photo with him and his wife Pragya Kapoor. Rasha wore a red lehenga for the occasion and Aaman looked dapper in an ivory kurta set. Abhishek was seen wearing a beige kurta while Pragya stunned in a neon suit. While not much is known about the upcoming flick, the viral pictures from the Diwali bash offer us a view of the cast. Azaad is said to be an action-adventure drama centred around bandits. This is not the first time co-stars Aaman and Rasha have been spotted together. They were seen together on various occasions at meetings and lunches. Read more about it here.
Meanwhile, Ajay Devgn will also be seen in Naam. Directed by Anees Bazmee, the film will release on November 22.
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