Shark Tank India Season 4 has been grabbing all the headlines since the time it premiered. The 4th season runs around the show’s original format, wherein aspiring entrepreneurs and founders pitch their business ideas and secure investments. Two new ‘sharks’ joined the show this season, Kunal Bahl and Viraj Bahl. Apart from them, the show also features Peyush Bansal, Anupam Mittal, Namita Thapar, Vineeta Singh, and Aman Gupta. In the recent episode, we saw two brothers, Anjit and Sanjit Suhag, come and intrigue the ‘sharks’ with their mudguard deal.
Aman Gupta channels his inner Salman Khan as poses like Sultan
Anjit and Sanjit Suhag are two brothers from Haryana who own and run a Mudgar company. They pitched their ancient instrument business in front of the ‘sharks’ and asked for Rs. 50 lakh in place of 10 per cent equity, valuing their company at Rs. 5 crore. The brothers also showcased how to use mudgar to the panel, and Aman Gupta jumped with excitement.
While the other ‘sharks’ were also playing with the instrument, Aman stood with it in Salman Khan’s style and tried to copy his pose from the film Sultan. After all the play, it was time for the ‘sharks’ to get into the financial details.
Ritesh Agarwal wins hearts with his heartfelt deal
As the pitchers started revealing their financial figures, it was clear that they were at 80 per cent negative growth. They’re currently selling goods worth Rs. 10 lakh per month, and are making Rs. 3 lakh in profits. They added that they have Rs 2 lakh in the bank and want to raise investment to increase inventory. All the ‘sharks’ pulled out of the deal because they thought it was not a good deal.
Ritesh, however, said that he would be going against his beliefs if he didn’t support the entrepreneurs at this stage. He said he could see signs of ‘community building’ and would want to bet on them. He offered them the Rs. 50 lakh they asked for in exchange demanded for 12.5% equity. The brothers agreed to the terms and walked away with a deal.
We look forward to seeing more of Aman’s fun side and loved how Ritesh dealt with the brothers. Let us know your views on the same.
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