The Ambani family is currently in Jamnagar, where they rang in the new year. On December 28, 2024, the family marked another momentous occasion as the Jamnagar refinery turned 25. During the commemoration event, the youngest Ambani heir, Anant Ambani honored his grandfather, Dhirubhai Ambani’s vision and pledged his unwavering dedication to Jamnagar and Vantara, the city’s conservation initiative. Videos of his heartfelt speech have recently hit the internet, going viral instantly. His wife, the gorgeous Radhika Merchant was also spotted among the audience at the event, gazing proudly at her husband giving his speech.
Anant Ambani honors his grandfather, Dhirubhai Ambani’s vision and pledges to carry on his legacy
Anant Ambani took the podium on the occasion of the Jamnagar refinery’s 25th anniversary with a speech that reflected gratitude, foresight, and dedication to sustainability. Speaking to an audience of Reliance employees, executives, and their families, Anant paid homage to his grandfather, Dhirubhai Ambani’s visionary leadership. For the unversed, the late businessman’s strategic thinking laid the foundation for Jamnagar to be transformed into a global hub. Anant further extended his gratitude to his parents, Mukesh and Nita Ambani, for continuing to shape his late grandfather’s vision after his passing.
Anant then expressed how honored he felt to carry on the legacies of great men like his grandfather and his father. He pledged to live up to this honor by making all their dreams and visions for the future come true. The young businessman also emphasized that Jamnagar would be an integral cog in the nation’s progress, saying:
“When the nation celebrates its 100th independence, Jamnagar will be contributing its best.”
Radhika Merchant gazes at her husband with pride and applauds loudly after his declaration
One member of the audience was seen beaming with pride as Anant Ambani delivered his heartfelt speech, and it was none other than his wife, Radhika Merchant . She was seated in the audience with her eyes fixed on Anant. She donned a purple-hued ensemble featuring heavy embroidery for the occasion. Radhika also draped a teal and lavender-hued shawl with minimalistic floral patterns over her shoulders.
Radhika opted for understated accessories, wearing just a necklace with a pendant. Likewise, she opted for a subtle makeup look, complete with a glowy base, kohl-rimmed eyes, and a touch of nude lipstick. Her hair was left loosely hung over her shoulders, perfecting her elegant yet natural look for the day. However, her best accessory was definitely the huge smile plastered on her face because of his sheer admiration for her husband, Anant.
Anant Ambani says his mother, Nita Ambani inspired his love for animals and the environment
Anant Ambani also took the time to draw the audience’s attention to Reliance’s We Care initiative with his speech, highlighting his love for animals and the environment. Anant emphasized that the Vantara mission proved that Reliance cared for animals and birds just as much as people. He further credited his mother, Nita Ambani for instilling in him a love for nature and a strong desire to protect it, saying:
“The way my mother has instilled the love for Mother Nature, similarly, Vantara inspires everyone to love birds and animals.”
What do you think about Anant Ambani’s pledge as his wife, Radhika Merchant beamed with pride?
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