AR Rahman, the most celebrated singing maestro, has been going through a difficult phase personally as his wife, Saira Banu, has decided to part ways with him. This unexpected turn of events comes as a shock as AR Rahman and his wife always seemed happy, but after 29 years of togetherness, their relationship came to an end. Saira’s lawyer said that the decision came from a place of pain, and even AR Rahman shared how he is heartbroken by the recent development.
Netizens are appaled by AR Rahman creating a hashtag for his divorce
Taking to his X account (formerly known as Twitter), AR Rahman shared a note expressing his emotional state after the announcement of his divorce from his wife, Saira Banu. He also thanked his friends and family for their kindness and understanding. Howver, his tweet created a stir among his fans. The language of his tweet seemed AI-generated, and he even forgot to remove the quotes from the tweet, which is usually used when ChatGPT or any other artificial intelligence means are used.
On top of that, AR Rahman created a hashtag for his divorce announcement, which seemed pretty insensitive. The hashtag read as, #arrsairaabreakup. Fans were shocked reading the tweet and the hashtag, one user wrote, “Who creates hashtag for this situation? Fire your admin, Thalaiva.” While another commented, “ChatGPT and Hashtag?”
AR Rahman shared an emotional post on X announcing his split from his wife, Saira Banu
In a media interaction with India Today, Saira Banu announced her divorce from AR Rahman. The musical maestro, on Twitter (now known as X), shared an emotional post, expressing his wish to reach the grand third anniversary with his wife. However, their relationship has unfortunately met its end. He is deeply heartbroken by the procedure, but there is no way out. In AR Rahman’s words:
“We had hoped to reach the grand thirty, but all things, it seems, carry an unseen end. Even the throne of God might tremble at the weight of broken hearts. Yet, in this shattering, we seek meaning, though the pieces may not find their place again. To our friends, thank you for your kindness and for respecting our privacy as we walk through this fragile chapter.”
AR Rahman and Saira Banu’s relationship journey
AR Rahman married Saira Banu in 1995. They had an arranged marriage, and AR Rahman’s mother fixed the match with Saira. However, AR Rahman added that he didn’t have time to find a bride himself, so he chose to marry in an arranged marriage. AR Rahman also revealed that his only wish was to get a simple woman. He only wanted someone who would not make much trouble for him and would continue to carry his music. The ex-couple is blessed with two daughters and a son. In a chat with Simi Garewal, AR Rahman said:
“To be honest, I didn’t have time to go and search for a bride. I was doing all these films and Rangeela in Bombay so I was so busy in that. But, I knew it was the right time for me to get married. I was 29, and I told my mother. I said, ‘find me a bride’.”
Let us know your views on AR Rahman’s seemingly AI-generated tweet and hashtag.
Next Read: AR Rahman Shares An Emotional Notes Talking About His Divorce With Wife, Saira Banu, ‘Unseen End…’
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