Ahead of the release of his film Singham Again, actor Arjun Kapoor walked barefoot to Siddhivinayak temple in Mumbai to seek divine blessings. Videos of the actor, who is seen wearing an ivory hued traditional wear, walking inside and coming outside of the temple after darshan is doing the rounds on social media. Arjun in a recent video shared that for nearly a year, he stepped away from the spotlight to focus on his role of Danger Lanka in Singham Again, which is directed by Rohit Shetty. “I had the biggest film of the industry to shoot and I didn’t want to be distracted. Sometimes when you go missing for a few days, or become lowkey, people may remember you and view you in a new light,” he shared.
The actor said he “just switched off” to prepare for his character. “I just went into this whole thing about just being focused on this one particular film and treating it like my debut all over again almost.” He wanted to be “so clear and so available” for Singham Again that he prioritised it above everything else. The character, he says, came from Rohit’s vision, which he said allowed him to “just come and play the part and look the part.”
Working with Ajay Devgn was a key experience for Arjun. “If I may dare to say so, he’s somebody who I admire to the point that I would like to emulate maybe even 5 percent of what he’s done. I’ll be amazed and I’ll be very, very proud of myself.”
The third installment from the Singham franchise has a motley of stars. It has Ajay as Bajirao Singham, Ranveer Singh as Simmba, Akshay Kumar as DCP Veer Sooryavanshi, Kareena Kapoor as Bajirao Singham’s wife Avni, Deepika Padukone as police officer Shakti Shetty, Ravi Kishan, Jackie Shroff and Tiger Shroff.
Arjun will be seen playing the role of antagonist named Danger Lanka. The film will have a contemporary spin to the Ramayan and was released today on the occasion of Diwali.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
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