Kartik Aaryan led horror comedy, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 has set the box office on fire as the Anees Bazmee directorial has sold around 60,000 tickets across the Top 3 national chains – PVR, Inox & Cinepolis – as on Wednesday at 8.30 PM. The film has a faster pace than the Diwali 2023 release, Tiger 3 which featured Salman Khan & Katrina Kaif in the lead, as the YRF Spy Universe Saga has sold 55,000 tickets within 24 hours of tickets going up for sales in National Chains.
With this pace, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 is looking at a first-day business of Rs. 30 crore plus, which is historic, to say the least. Horror comedies are flavour of the season, and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 is set to capitalize on the mood of audiences and clock unpredictable numbers on the opening day. The fact that Kartik Aaryan is competing with Salman Khan’s Diwali release despite a clash is magical, to say the least
More Pages: Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 Box Office Collection
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