Samantha Ruth Prabhu has been busy promoting her upcoming web series, Citadel: Honey Bunny. The show will be released on November 7 on Prime Video. Did you know that the makers distributed the cutest hampers to mark the occasion of Diwali? You can find proof on Samantha’s Instagram Stories, where she re-shared a video originally posted by fashion designer Shilpa Reddy. In the clip, we see a box featuring the series’ name along with images of Samantha and Varun Dhawan. Inside the box, there are various treats and crackers, along with a note that reads: “Mission: Satisfy Diwali Cravings. Time: Now. Status: Delicious. Tip: Best enjoyed alongside Citadel Honey Bunny. Nov 7 only on Amazon Prime. Much love. Honey & Bunny.”
Samantha Ruth Prabhu celebrated Diwali in Ranthambore, Rajasthan. To keep us all updated, the actress shared pictures and videos on her Instagram handle. The first snap in her post featured Samantha posing for the camera early in the morning, with sunbeams illuminating her frame. The following photos showcased the wildlife she spotted during her trip, including monkeys, deer, a crocodile, birds and much more. “Witnessed the splendour of nature alongside half a tiger. PS. The last slide is the magnificent picture of the tiger,” she captioned the post.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu also shared another post showcasing her participation in the Deepavali rituals during her stay at Six Senses Fort. In the post, the actress, dressed in an earthen-toned long kurta paired with white pants, posed from various corners of her accommodation. She even lit some diyas and performed aarti. Sharing the pictures, she wrote, “Being in a place that lifts you up mentally, enriches you personally, and surrounds you with love and respect can feel like a celebration every day. On this Deepavali, I want to express gratitude for all that I have and wish everyone a year filled with brightness, love, and joy.”
A week ago, Samantha Ruth Prabhu shared a short video on Instagram featuring her character Honey in Citadel: Honey Bunny. In the video, Samantha’s voice could be heard in the background. She says, “Hi, my name is Honey. And these are my profiles.” The side note read, “Agent Honey Citadel Honey Bunny on Prime Releasing on November 7th.”
Directed by Raj and DK, Citadel Honey Bunny is the Indian adaptation of the American TV series Citadel, which featured Priyanka Chopra Jonas, amongst others.
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