Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary on Thursday. For the occasion, Deepika wished Ranveer with an adorably hilarious reel that she reposted on her Instagram stories, depicting the perfect mood for this winter. In the short video, a man wrapped in a blanket is seen crawling over a bed and the caption reads, “Me immediately crawling to my husband’s side of the bed as soon as he leaves for work to get the best sleep ever since it’s warmer, more comfortable and smells like him.”
Deepika shared the video with the caption “Happy Anniversary,” tagging Ranveer Singh in her Stories.
Earlier in the day, the Gully Boy actor wished Deepika with a heartwarming post, capturing the many moods of his wife on “the main day.” Sharing a carousel of 15 never-seen-before pictures and videos of the actress, Ranveer wrote, “Every day is Wife Appreciation Day, but today is the main day. #HappyAnniversary @deepikapadukone. I love you.”
The post received a lot of love from fans, fan pages and friends as they wished the couple on their special day. Read it here.
Deepika and Ranveer first met in 2012 on the sets of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela and have been inseparable ever since. They have appeared in a bunch of movies together, the most recent being Rohit Shetty’s blockbuster Singham Again. The couple got married in 2018 in Lake Como in Italy, and welcomed their daughter in September this year. On Diwali, they revealed their daughter’s name with a post that went viral in no time. “Dua Padukone Singh,” the post read. Elaborating on the meaning of her name, they wrote, “‘Dua’ : meaning a Prayer. Because She is the Answer to our Prayers. Our hearts are filled with Love & Gratitude. Deepika & Ranveer.”
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