Diljit Dosanjh’s New Year started off with a bang as he had a ‘very memorable meeting’ with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The actor-singer and the nation’s leader took to their respective social media handles to express their feelings about the interaction, with Diljit calling it ‘a fantastic start to 2025’ and Narendra Modi lauding his multifaceted talents. In a heartwarming moment, Diljit was seen singing a song for the PM as the latter followed suit by beating the table like a dholak.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi talks about India’s vibrancy and yoga
On January 1, 2024, Narendra Modi and Diljit Dosanjh took to their Instagram handles with a joint video featuring the highlights of their interaction. The PM’s caption for the post said it was a ‘very memorable interaction.’ The clip begins with Diljit walking in with a bouquet of flowers and saluting the Prime Minister. The two are then seen seated together as Narendra Modi praised Diljit for his achievements and said:
“It feels good when a boy from a village in India brings fame to the world. If your family has named you ‘Diljit’ then you are sure to win over the people.”
Further in the conversation, Diljit and Narendra Modi discussed India’s greatness and vibrancy. Diljit responded to the PM by saying that he had always read ‘Mera Bharat Mahan,’ but it was only when he traveled the entire country that he realized why people said this. Narendra Modi agreed with his thoughts and said:
“The vastness of True India is a strength. We are a vibrant society.”
The conversation then took a turn with Diljit and Narendra Modi focusing on the power of yoga. Diljit called the ancient practice ‘Bharat ka sabse bada jaadu,’ while Narendra Modi shared his opinion yet again saying that those who had practiced yoga knew its power.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi plays the table like dholak in beat with Diljit as latter sings
Diljit Dosanjh expressed his admiration for PM Modi’s personal journey, alluding to an interview he had recently seen that made him reflect more deeply on it. The singer-actor noted that since the position of PM was so high, it was easy to forget that there could be a mother, a song, and a human being behind it. Diljit pointed out that this half-truth became much more significant when the PM carried his mother and the sacred Ganga with him, and that had touched the singer’s heart. Following this heartfelt interaction, Diljit sang a song on Guru Nanak for Narendra Modi, and the latter, not missing a beat, joined in by playing the adjacent table like a dholak.
Watch the video here .
Diljit Dosanjh expressed his gratitude for starting his 2025 with an interaction with PM Modi
Following the memorable meeting, Diljit Dosanjh took to his The singer expressed his gratitude for the fantastic beginning to his 2025, as he penned:
“A fantastic start to 2025. A very memorable meeting with PM @narendramodi Ji. We talked about many things, including music, of course!”
Soon after, PM Modi responded to Diljit’s post, emphasizing that their meeting had indeed been a great interaction. Narendra Modi further praised the singer-actor for being multifaceted and never forgetting to blend talent and tradition. The PM also mentioned that they had discussed several topics, including music, culture, and more.
Diljit Dosanjh on the work front
On the professional front, Diljit Dosanjh’s Dil-Luminati tour, which had captivated the nation for months, finally came to an end with a phenomenal performance in Ludhiana. The city had been set up with ‘Welcome Home’ posters as the singer hails from Punjab. Throughout his performances in various venues across different cities, the singer has addressed several important social issues .
What do you think about Diljit Dosanjh and PM Modi’s memorable musical interaction?
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