Diljit Dosanjh recently met the honourable Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, at his residence on New Year’s Day. The singer shared with the PM that India has great potential to host music festivals that are even bigger in scale than renowned global events like Coachella. The singer-actor, Diljit Dosanjh, has recently finished his Dil-Luminati World Tour. He met with PM, Narendra Modi on January 1, 2025, and discussed music, culture, and India’s artistic legacy.
Diljit Dosanjh feels India has the potential to host global festivals that are bigger than Coachella
During the meeting, Prime Minister, Narendra Modi asked singer-actor, Diljit Dosanjh about his experience of travelling to different parts of the world and performing at various global festivals like the Coachella. For the unversed, Diljit was the first Punjabi musician to perform at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in April 2023. Responding to the PM, the singer shared:
“I feel that they have made festivals like Coachella or any other very big. And I believe we can make it much bigger. People travel from all over the world for such festivals.”
Diljit Dosanjh on music being embedded in every Indian’s culture
Diljit Dosanjh, in the same conversation, shared that music is embedded in India’s cultural fabric. He added that people who had not received professional training could still display impeccable talent. He further stated that if there were developments made in the country’s musical scene, people from all over the world would come to be a part of it. He was quoted saying:
“Whether we are eating food in a dhaba or someone is singing in Rajasthani, the song we listen to is so melodious that I feel like I should stop singing. He is singing such a good song. And I sing professionally, this person is not even singing professionally. And he is singing better than me. He has so much art in him. If such a development happens here, people from all over the world will come.”
Prime Minister, Narendra Modi on bringing global musical talents to the country with World Audio Visual Entertainment Summit
Prime Minister, Narendra Modi also told the singer, Diljit Dosanjh, that he had been thinking about bringing changes to the musical festival culture in India as well. He hinted at the upcoming World Audio Visual Entertainment Summit. The said summit is to be held from February 5, 2025, to February 9, 2025.
The event will be a global platform for creative talents, fostering collaborations and showcasing the country’s potential as a hub for world-class content creation. He called the Indian entertainment industry the biggest creative industry in the world. PM, Narendra Modi stated:
“Now I am doing it through Waves. My idea is that we are such a big country, and most of the world’s films are made here. The biggest creative industry in the world is here. So, I’m trying to start a big movement here through Waves. Now, India will be the centre of the creative world.”
What are your thoughts on Diljit Dosanjh’s revelation?
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