Rupali Ganguly and her step-daughter, Esha Verma’s ugly spat took another turn when the actress filled Rs. 50 crore defamation case against the latter. Well, Rupali is being bashed for the same reason. Meanwhile, Esha has reacted silently to this by making her IG private and deleting all the posts regarding her dad and her step-mom. Now, she reportedly dropped another post after Rupali filed a defamation case of crores.
Esha Verma reveals why she went private after Rupali Ganguly filed Rs. 50 crore defamation case
As per a report by News18, Rupali Ganguly’s step-daughter, Esha Verma, took to her IG handle and shared a video message to interact with her fans. She, in the video message, thanked everyone who extended their support to her. Esha further revealed that she decided to go private for a bit for her own sake and added that she’s moving forward. In Esha’s words:
“Hi everybody. It’s Esha here and I just want to say thank you all for being so kind and supportive and sweet. It means the world to me. And I’m just going to be private for a little bit just for my sake. And we’re just moving forward from here.”
Esha Verma says that her staying in America provided her with more protection
In the same video message, Esha Verma further mentioned that as she, along with her family, is in America, they are a bit more protected, as things are different there. She also added that she’s proud of the community she’s building and thanked her supporters. Esha said that she wouldn’t even mind to block anyone, who would try to be negative. Calling her supporters incredible, Esha said:
“And just to remind everybody, I’m in America so things are a little bit different here, and we’re more protected. And whatever it is, I just want to say this community we’re building is so beautiful and I’ve been looking at everyone’s profiles. There’s so much great energy. And if you’re going to be negative, I’m just gonna block you or take you off, just letting you know. But sending so much love. You guys should be so proud of yourselves. You are incredible!”
Esha Verma remarks to avoid certain topics to talk about
Going further, in the video, Esha Verma said that she might have gone private and taken some of her own time, she would definitely interact with those, who would want to chat with her. Esha mentioned that she would be a bit limited with her answers, but she would respond. She asked people not to be afraid to talk to her and remarked that she would rather avoid talking about certain topics. Esha reportedly stated:
“I might be a little bit limited with my responses because I am going to be a little bit offline for something. I would love to chat with you. Seriously. Don’t feel afraid to talk to me, I just won’t talk about certain topics, so just be prepared for that.”
Why Rupali Ganguly filed Rs. 50 crore defamation case against Esha Verma
A few weeks ago, Esha Verma’s old posts on Rupali Ganguly and Ashwin K Verma went viral. In these posts, Esha accused Rupali of breaking off her parents’ marriage and getting married to her father, thereby ruining her happy family. Not only this, Esha even gave some explosive interviews, wherein she talked about the trauma and sufferings she faced because of her step-mom.
Rupali first didn’t react to these claims, but she hit back with a Rs. 50 crore defamation case. After the same, Esha not only made her IG account private but also deleted her Twitter account along with every post, wherein she shared her side of the story with Rupali and Ashwin. Talking about the reason for filing the case of Rs. 50 crore, Sana Raees Khan shared that Esha tried to malign the actress’ image, which would have an effect on her professional career. The lawyer also added that they took Esha’s deleting her videos as a victory.
What do you think about Esha Verma’s reaction to Rupali filing Rs. 50 crore defamation case?
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