Ever since Fabulous Lives Vs Bollywood Lives hit Netflix, Shalini Passi became its breakout star. The artist and philanthropist won viewers’ hearts with her ‘unapologetically me’ attitude that permeated everything, from her quirky fashion sense to her museum-esque home decor. However, viewers are curious about more than Shalini’s extravagant lifestyle and her strong work ethic. Yes, they have always been wondering about the 48-year-old’s fitness regime and how she keeps herself looking so stunning. Well, Shalini gave away her secret in a recent interview.
Shalini Passi’s morning, afternoon, and evening diet routine that went viral starts with a ghee shot in the morning.
Following her stint on Fabulous Lives Vs Bollywood Wives , Shalini Passi’s diet has gone viral. And in a recent interview, she gave away all the details of her routine, including how she starts her day with a ghee shot early in the morning. Shalini then likes to drink red juice, such as beetroot juice made with beetroot, ginger, celery, and amla .
Next, Shalini has some slushed gota curd out of a glass along with sprout juice. The art patron also revealed that her afternoon routine involves having five different kinds of fruits. Shalini elaborated on her reasons for the same in an interview with Pinkvilla, saying:
“Ayurveda says that you should have different colored fruits. So I have five fruits and pomegranate juice, one coconut water.”
Shalini further revealed that in the evening, she likes to sip on soups. Avid viewers of the show might even remember her indulging in the same after celebrating Karwa Chauth with her castmates. Shalini also gave away some detox advice while speaking to Pinkvilla and said:
“Kala namak is the biggest detox for your health. Add it with lemon and water. It removes acidity from the body, it alkalises the body, and it will remove all water retention. It is amazing.”
Shalini Passi reveals carrying her detox powders to parties, shares her son, Robin’s hilarious reaction
Shalini Passi definitely isn’t one to gatekeep, as she opened up about preparing several items, including her detox powder, for people. The powder, which is a blend of different spices, aims to cleanse the system. And Shalini likes to share it with ‘100 people or more,’ all of whom love it.
Shalini even claimed that she received messages from people who had run out of their detox powder late at night. She recalled one particularly funny incident when someone’s message read, “My sister took it, I’m really desperate, sorry to message!” The artist joked that while the phrasing might sound wrong, the message was very true.
However, it seems that one person isn’t so happy about Shalini taking her detox powder everywhere to share. And it is none other than her son, Robin Passi . Shalini revealed how Robin would try to dissuade her from carrying the packets by saying:
“You cannot take these ‘dabbies’ to parties and have saag, it looks bad.”
What do you think about Shalini Passi’s everyday diet? Are you going to give it a try?
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