Bigg Boss 18 will take place on January 19, 2024. There are only four days left before the Salman Khan-hosted show ends. The latest episode of Bigg Boss 18 witnessed the entry of famous director and production designer Omung Kumar in the house, who brought letters for contestants from their family members. During this activity contestant, Karan Veer Mehra broke down when Omung gave him his mom’s letter, which he couldn’t read properly due to his overwhelming emotions.
Karan Veer Mehra stops reading his mom’s letter in the middle as the actor gets emotional
The latest promo from the house of Bigg Boss 18 went viral, and Karan Veer Mehra was seen breaking down as soon as he received his mom’s letter from Omung. The actor stopped reading the letter in the middle, rested his head on the sofa and got super emotional. The video started off with Karan taking the handwritten letter and saying, “Mummy ki writing hai.” His mom had written:
“Dearest Karan so proud of you the way you are playing the game ya toh tu..”
Omung was seen sitting next to Karan and consoled the actor whose emotions overpowered him. The director was also seen assuring the actor to stay strong.
Netizens react to Karan Veer Mehra breaking down reading his mom’s letter
One user on Reddit wrote that Karan’s mom should have entered Bigg Boss 18 when the ‘Family Week’ episode had taken place. This was because the majority of the contestant’s loved ones had arrived. Another user wants Karan to win and sympathized with the actor having an emotional moment inside the show. A third user wrote, “Always felt he was disappointed seeing his sister come in family week. He wanted his mom. 100 days without seeing or talking to the person you love the most.. i’m emotional too.”
When Karan Veer Mehra’s mom called him ‘bachu’ on his 46th birthday
Karan was in the Bigg Boss 18 house when he turned 46 on December 28, 2024. The actor has been playing his cards well on the show. His mom, to make him feel special on his 46th birthday, penned a heartfelt note, where she spoke about how she wanted her son to win the trophy and that she had been proud of him. The makers of Bigg Boss 18 posted an emotional video in which his mom was seen wishing him on his special day. His mom could be heard saying:
“Happy, Happiest birthday my bachhu. Love you so much, and I’m so so proud of you. Praying to god to give you the strength to continue to play brilliantly till the trophy comes home, touchwood. Love you and god bless you. Happy birthday once again.”
When Karan Veer Mehra revealed his mom and his ex-second wife, Nidhi Seth were COVID-19 positive
Karan Veer’s mom and his former wife, Nidhi Seth were detected with COVID-19. The actor had posted the news on his social media feed, where he was also seen giving his mom a cute haircut and called her his ‘jaan’ and ‘love’. In his post, he mentioned how his mom and Nidhi had got COVID-19, and during that time, they had quarantined themselves in their rooms.
Watch the full video here .
What do you think of Karan Veer Mehra having an emotional breakdown after reading his mom’s letter?
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