Madhuri Dixit’s latest film, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 is already a blockbuster at the box office. While promoting the horror comedy film, the actress got candid during an exclusive interview with NDTV, giving viewers a glimpse of what went on behind the camera during the shoot. Looking back on the great time she had on the set, Madhuri opened up about the dynamic she shared with Vidya Balan, the OG Manjulika and Kartik Aaryan, who played Rooh Baba in the movie. And it sounds like a lot of fun!
On asked about collaborating with Vidya for such an iconic character, Madhuri said, “I have seen her on screen, I have seen her in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 1, and I think she is the OG Manjulika, because of the way she played the character. It was fabulous,” adding, “I had seen her perform, I admire as an actress. Toh unke saath jab kaam kar rahi thi toh bohot maza aaya (So when I was working with her, I had a lot of fun.)”
After showering praise on her co-actor, Madhuri then opened up about the BTS events on the set. “She (Vidya) is very spontaneous on the set. She is like me in a lot of ways. Aur hum dono ki bohot achhi bani (We got along very well.) And of course, there was Kartik, who’s a mischief maker. There’s Vidya who’s also a mischief maker,” the new Manjulika remarked.
After this revelation, one has to ask who’s more mischievous among the two. “Kartik abhi chhota hai, toh hum thoda sa boss bhi karte the use,” Madhuri replied, flashing her trademark smile.
“But he is very sweet, very sweet,” she concluded by mentioning that Kartik took all the bossing over in good humour.
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, directed by Anees Bazmee, is the third installment of the franchise. This time, Vidya Balan reprised her role from the first movie as the ‘ghost’ Manjulika. The movie, also featuring Triptii Dimri and Rajpal Yadav in pivotal roles, released on November 1 on the occasion of Diwali.
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