Bollywood star Varun Dhawan’s niece Anjani Dhawan made her Bollywood debut with the film Binny and Family, released on September 27, 2024. Also starring Pankaj Kapur and directed by Sanjay Tripathi, the film is a family drama. The film received a positive response from the audience and critics upon its release. Seeing the love of the people, the makers have announced its sequel Binny and Family 2. Along with this, a loving message has been released on behalf of the film’s team.
Makers of Binny and Family announce sequel with heartfelt note
The makers of Binny and Family announced its sequel Binny and Family 2 with an attractive poster. At the same time, expressing gratitude to everyone for the love received by the original film, the makers wrote, “Like most of us, we too became a part of the creative industry for the magic of cinema – the joy, the emotions, and the love it brings. Watching a good film stirs something beautiful within us, and creating one, amplifies that joy even more. Today, we want to sincerely thank our audiences and the media for showering a small- budget film like Binny and Family with so much love and affection.”
REVIVAL OF FAMILY CINEMA: ‘BINNY AND FAMILY 2’ ANNOUNCED… The story continues… A heartfelt note shared by Team #BinnyAndFamily.#BinnyAndFamily2
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) October 22, 2024
They further wrote, “The emotional connection everyone felt with the film has been overwhelming, and we’re filled with gratitude for the love and respect we’ve received from people of all ages. The film has resonated with our audiences and it may have brought them closer to their family, giving us a deep sense of satisfaction. Every day, since the release, has been a celebration, with many of you affectionately urging us to make a Part 2.”
They added, “Initially, we weren’t prepared, but when something feels right, it just happens. We know it is a huge responsibility and we’re thrilled to share that we’ve started developing Binny and Family 2 and will strive to touch your heart once again. This is our heartfelt way of saying thank you, as we owe this to our audiences. With deep gratitude… Team Binny and Family.”
Binny and Family is a family entertainer that explores the theme of the generation gap. In addition to Anjani Dhawan, the film features Pankaj Kapur, Himani Shivpuri, Rajesh Kumar, Naman Tripathi, and Charu Shankar. It is produced by Mahaveer Jain Films and Wavebrand Productions and presented by Ekta R Kapoor’s Balaji Telefilms, along with Shashank Khaitan and Mrighdeep Singh Lamba.
More Pages: Binny And Family 2 Box Office Collection
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