Priyanka Chopra, aka our ‘Desi Girl’, is happily married to the love of her life, Nick Jonas. The duo broke all stereotypes by tying the knot in an inter-faith marriage in 2018, not paying any heed to their age gap. In January 2022, with the help of surrogacy, the couple welcomed their precious daughter, Malti Marie. Priyanka and Nick have always been each other’s pillars of strength, and they have shelled out major couple goals. Priyanka Chopra has a massive Instagram following and often shares details about her personal and professional life with her fans.
Priyanka Chopra shares adorable moments with daughter, Malti Marie, learning Hindi on Instagram
Priyanka Chopra frequently uses social media to share photos and moments from her life with her followers. As she continues to film for Citadel’s second season, Priyanka just shared a glimpse of her life on Instagram. It also included a cute video of her daughter, Malti Marie , learning Hindi with her father, Nick Jonas’s assistance.
Nick Jonas encourages Malti to translate a word in Hindi in an adorable video
Nick Jonas asked Malti to translate a word in Hindi at the very end of the video, which included audio of her speaking the language. The easiest way to interpret Malti’s adorable translation is probably as a baby’s first steps in a language. Sharing the photos, Priyanka captioned the post:
“Lately (red heart and folded hands emoticons) Slide 19- sound on in Hindi…”
Click here to watch the video.
Priyanka Chopra shares stunning fall moments and Halloween festivities in recent photo series
Priyanka posted a series of photos recently. The carousel features photos and snippets of walkways lined with leaves that lead to a magnificent house. Priyanka also gives her followers a preview of the Halloween festivities that are taking place on-site. One of the photos shows her driving through the English countryside, while the last picture shows her taking care of herself after a demanding day on set.
It also featured a selfie of her outfit for the day, a picture of her getting ready for a shoot with Diana sitting on her lap, a photograph from The Devil Wears Prada stage production and images from the Citadel Season 2 set.
Priyanka Chopra’s work front
In Citadel , Priyanka portrays the role of a spy, Nadia Sinh. The first season focused on elite agents, Mason Kane (Richard) and Nadia, who barely survived the collapse of the autonomous global intelligence agency, Citadel before their memories were erased. Earlier this month, the actress was in Mumbai to attend the launch of her new brand, Max Factor.
Priyanka Chopra’s most recent appearance was in Love Again , an American romantic comedy. Her next appearance will be in Heads of State, which also stars John Cena and Idris Elba. In The Bluff, the actress will also play a female pirate from the Caribbean in the 19th century.
What are your thoughts on Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’s beautiful journey as a couple and their family adventures?
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