Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala are all set to tie the knot on December 4, 2024. For the most part, the couple has remained tight-lipped about their pre-wedding festivities and their upcoming nuptials. However, some details about their big day have trickled out. As of now, we know that Chaitanya and Sobhita will have an intimate wedding in Hyderabad and Annapurna Studios, which the former’s grandfather established. The secrecy surrounding Chaitanya and Sobhita’s wedding isn’t surprising to fans, as the couple was also extremely private about their love story. But Chaitanya’s father, Nagarjuna, recently opened up about playing Cupid to their love.
Nagarjuna reveals that he orchestrated his son, Naga Chaitanya, and Sobhita Dhulipala’s first meeting
Nagarjuna recently sat down for an interview with The Times Of India, during which he opened up about causing his son, Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala’s first meeting. The actor revealed that it all started when the latter left him impressed with her performance in the 2018 film, Goodachari.
Nagarjuna had immediately called up Sobhita to express his admiration. This led to him inviting her to meet him at home the next time she was in Hyderabad. Well, Sobhita took up the offer, and Nagarjuna recalled her first meeting with Naga, narrating:
“I invited her to meet me the next time she was in Hyderabad. She later came home to meet me, and we had some wonderful conversations — not just about films but life in general. Chaitanya happened to walk in during one of her visits, and that’s when they met for the first time if I remember correctly.”
Nagarjuna expresses his admiration for Sobhita Dhulipala’s efforts in ‘carving out a niche’ in the industry
To-be father-in-law, Nagarjuna couldn’t help but gush about Sobhita Dhulipala’s journey in the industry. Expressing his admiration at how she had carved out a ‘niche for herself,’ the actor said:
“She’s worked incredibly hard to achieve her dreams, starting from Vizag and carving out a niche for herself in the industry. She’s a brilliant actress who has stayed true to her values and craft. More than that, she’s very warm and grounded.”
Nagarjuna calls the bond between Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala ‘unmistakable’
In the same interview, Nagarjuna shared his thoughts about the bond between Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala. According to him, their connection is ‘unmistakable’ and makes him ‘very happy.’
On that note, here’s what we know about Chaitanya and Sobhita’s low-key wedding. The intimate affair will have the Akkineni and Daggubati families, Sobhita’s parents and relatives, and the couple’s close friends in attendance. The ceremony is set to reflect their traditional values and rich Telugu heritage.
For the unversed, Chaitanya and Sobhita dated for two years before getting engaged. Previously, Chaitanya was married to Samantha Ruth Prabu, tying the knot in 2021 in a lavish destination wedding in Goa that lasted two days. However, the couple called it quits after four years of marriage in 2021.
What do you think about Nagarjuna’s revelations about having a hand in Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala’s love story?
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