South superstar Nayanthara turned 40 on November 18, 2024. The ‘Lady Superstar’ got the most adorable wish from her husband, Vignesh Sivan, amid a legal spat with south actor Dhanush. For the unversed, Nayanthara and Vignesh’s love story bloomed on the sets of Naanum Rowdy Dhaan in 2015. Vignesh directed the movie, and the chemistry between the duo blossomed on and off-screen. A bond developed between the couple that culminated in a steady relationship.
Vignesh Sivan’s birthday wish for his wife, Nayanthara
Nayanthara is thrilled as her Netflix original documentary, Nayanthara: Beyond The Fairy Tale, was released on her birthday. Vignesh wished his wife in the cutest way to mark the dual celebration. He shared the opening credits of her new show on his Instagram stories and penned about how much he loved and respected the actress. Vignesh’s birthday post for Nayanthara read:
“Happy Birthday my uyir (love and kiss emojis). My respect for you is million times more than the love I have for you! For who you are my thangamey!”
Nayanthara had found Vignesh Sivan cute during their first meeting
Nayanthara also re-shared Vignesh’s birthday post for her and commented, “I love you”. During a promo launch event for her next, Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale, the Jawan actress, revealed that she felt a click when she saw Vignesh for the first time. She had found him cute, as she said in her words:
“We were filming on the streets of Pondicherry, and I was waiting for my shot. I saw Wikki discussing a scene with Vijay Sethupathi sir. For some reason, I looked at him differently that day. The first thing I thought was, ‘he is a cute guy.’ The way he was functioning as a director, the way he was explaining things, I just noticed him.”
Vignesh Sivan, did not have a love connection when he met Nayanthara for the first time
Going further, in the promo event, Nayanthara revealed that she had sent a text to Vignesh after completing her film shoot. She mentioned that she missed being on the sets and got a reply from Vignesh, who said, “Same here, ma’am.” Vignesh also confessed that he did not check out Nayanthara, even though she looked good. The ‘Lady Superstar’ then took a step ahead and initiated a conversation, as she knew they could talk differently.
Nayanthara’s show in legal soup, the actress embroiled in a fight with Dhanush
The documentary of the actress titled Nayanthara: Beyond The Fairy Tale, has been embroiled in a legal controversy. A verbal war had broken between Nayanthara and Dhanush over a three-second clip in the Netflix original documentary. Dhanush wanted Rs 10 crore for the damages, as he claimed that the footage used in the documentary reportedly was from a film produced by him. Nayanthara gave back with a befitting three-paged open letter and claimed that she was shocked by the hefty amount, Dhanush claimed, for a three-second clip. In the letter, she also claimed that her team waited for Dhanush’s approval to release the song footage from Naanum Rowdy Dhaan. However, as he declined, they settled for the latest version.
Don’t you think Vignesh Sivan is Nayanthara’s rock bottom support? Team Bollywood Shaadis wishes, Nayanthara a very happy birthday.
Also Read: Abhishek Bachchan Skip Wishing Aaradhya Bachchan On Her B’Day, Amid Divorce Buzz With Aishwarya Rai
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