Deepika Padukone is enjoying her life as a new mom, and her Instagram is proof! On Saturday evening, the actress shared a cute video that said ‘Things about a newborn that makes my heart burst,’ which offered fans a sneak peek into what life with her baby girl Dua Padukone Singh is like. Deepika also tagged Ranveer Singh on the post, adding a few more points to the cuteness quotient. The video featured eight things that a newborn does, and Deepika’s reaction to it sums up the excitement and bliss of every new parent.
The video featured the following moments — “their whole hand holding my one finger”, “sleeping with their mouth wide open”, “the way they stretch when trying to wake up”, “how they suck on anything when they are hungry”, “the newborn scrunch”, “sleeping with their arms above their head”, “how they lay on your belly all scrunched up”, and “the way they sleep through anything and everything.”
Deepika did not add any caption while sharing the video, but the content was adorable enough to make everyone smile.
On Thursday, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh shared the first picture of their baby girl and announced her name, Dua Padukone Singh, on the occasion of Diwali. They posted the meaning of their daughter’s name, and added the reason behind why she was named so.
“‘Dua’ : meaning a Prayer,” read the caption. “Because She is the Answer to our Prayers. Our hearts are filled with Love & Gratitude. Deepika & Ranveer,” the post further read.
On the work front, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s film Singham Again released on Friday on Diwali.
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