Malayalam film editor Nishad Yusuf, known for his acclaimed work in the South Indian film industry, was found dead in his apartment in Kochi at approximately 2 am on Wednesday. The news was confirmed by the Malayalam media outlet Mathrubhumi. Yusuf was the editor of the upcoming Tamil fantasy action film Kanguva, led by superstar Suriya, scheduled for release on November 14.
Nishad Yusuf, editor of Suriya’s Kanguva, passes away in Kochi weeks before the film’s release
At 42, Yusuf had already made a significant mark in the industry, with credits including the Tovino Thomas-led Thallumaala, Mammootty-starrer Unda, and Saudi Vellakka. His editing of Thallumaala earned him the Kerala State Film Award, cementing his reputation as a craft master.
A Career Marked by Success and Acclaim
Nishad Yusuf was widely celebrated for his ability to bring out the nuances in South Indian films, and his work on Kanguva was highly anticipated. Just a few days before his death, he had shared pictures on social media from a promotional event for Kanguva alongside Suriya and Bobby Deol. On his Instagram, he posted an image of the film’s editing room, captioning it, “Exciting 3D Work Happening For #Kanguva, happy and thrilled for THE EXPERIENCE???? KANGUVA in 3D from NOV 14.”
Besides Kanguva, Yusuf had also been working on the Malayalam action-thriller Bazooka, which stars Mammootty and is scheduled for a December release. Kanguva will now stand as Yusuf’s first posthumous release, making the film’s upcoming premiere a poignant milestone in his career.
Also Read: Disha Patani praises Kanguva director Siva at music launch in Chennai: “He will always be my Teddy”
More Pages: Kanguva Box Office Collection
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