Minister of Road Transport and Highways in India, Nitin Gadkari is the longest-serving politician, who is on the mission of making India a five trillion country. Nitin Gadkari has been serving as the 40th minister of Road Transport and Highways of India since 2014 and is the only individual to serve for three consecutive terms under a single portfolio. Recently, during an interview, Nitin Gadkari was caught off-guard as he was questioned about the condition of roads in Manipur.
Nitin Gadkari was caught off-guard while talking about the condition in Manipur
Recently, Nitin Gadkari sat for an interview with Samdish Bhatia on his YouTube channel, Unfiltered by Samdish, wherein he was asked if he doesn’t think that Manipur should be India’s number 1 priority, given the ethnic violence that has been going on. The interviewer expressed his concern and stated that in the last two years that he visited Manipur, he had found the society to be vertically divided. While answering this question, Nitin added that the government is continuously trying to solve the issues and tension while making it a priority. He added that whatever has happened was unfortunate, and peace will take place soon.
Nitin Gadkari further mentioned that the interviewer should ask him about his department and question him about how many roads he had made in Manipur, which he had done. Well, Samdish further raised a question about an issue on the road conditions and mentioned how the trucks even cannot pass through either by national highway 1 or 2 and have to take U-turn for the same, that a person is not even getting the supplies from the capital of the own state. The interviewer further asked if Nitin Gadkari had an idea about the same issue about the road condition. Nitin Gadkari revealed that the roads are ready, but the system is not.
The interviewer stated that he just wanted to know from a minister of India if they are even thinking about the issues. To this, Nitin Gadkari revealed that in Loktantra, a minister can talk about the officials of his department, but he has no control over the law and system. The interviewer concluded the topic by stating that Gadkari has provided him with a ‘loophole’. Moreover, Gadkari was caught off guard by the interviewer’s questions.
Watch the video here.
Nitin Gadkari shared that he tries to hide his face in conferences, as he talked about road safety
During the Question Hour in Lok Sabha, Nitin Gadkari, two days back, was asked about road safety, as he gave an initial commitment to decrease accidents by 50 percent. Answering the same, Nitin Gadkari stated that not just reducing accidents, he has no hesitation to say that the accident rates have increased, so much so, that he has to hide his face while attending international conferences if there’s a discussion about the same.
What do you think about Nitin Gadkari being caught off-guard while talking about the condition in Manipur?
Also Read: Nitin Gadkari, AKA ‘Highway King’ Reveals His CLass 12 Marks And Why He Couldn’t Pursue Engineering
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