Masaba Gupta turned a year older on Saturday, November 2. To wish the fashion designer, her mother, actress Neena Gupta, shared a special post on Instagram. The veteran actress posted a black-and-white picture featuring the birthday girl. In her caption, Neena Gupta wrote, “Nai mummy ko Happy Birthday” (Happy Birthday to the new mom). For those who may not know, Masaba Gupta and her husband, actor Satyadeep Misra, welcomed their first child, a baby daughter, on October 11. Needless to say, celebrities fluffed the comments section with birthday wishes. Sunita Rajwar said, “Happy wala birthday.” Soni Razdan commented, “Happy Birthday to the new mother who has been born along with her baby daughter.” Anupam Kher wrote, “Happy Budday!” Producer Anu Ranjan chimed in saying, “Happy birthday dearest Masaba.” Many others followed suit.
Neena Gupta also shared another picture of Masaba Gupta in her Instagram Stories. “Happy birthday my jaan ki tukdi,” read the side note.
Masaba Gupta’s husband, actor Satyadeep Misra also shared a sweet birthday wish for the love of his life. He posted a montage of images on Instagram. His caption read, “To the blissfully bizzarrely babylicious year this was…and to the magical year that is to come!! Happy happy birthday my baby. Love youuu.” Did you say “awww”, already?
Coming back to Masaba Gupta and Neena Gupta, the duo never misses an opportunity to set mother-daughter goals. A few days ago, the fashion designer shared a series of pictures on Instagram, capturing moments of quality time spent with her mother. One of the frames features Neena Gupta hugging an adorable poodle, which is sure to melt your heart. “Unnecessary Makeup, Sunglasses indoors, feeding pillow, jewels & tea = newborn couture,” wrote Masaba in her caption.
A few days ago, Neena Gupta shared Masaba Gupta’s first reaction after welcoming her baby girl. Click here to read how the designer reacted to the happy news.
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