Happy Birthday, Shah Rukh Khan. The superstar turns 59 today. It is no surprise that King Khan has a massive fan base, with admirers gathering outside his residence, Mannat, hoping for a glimpse of the Bollywood icon. A fan from Jharkhand has been waiting outside SRK’s house for the past 95 days to meet him. NDTV’s Abira Dhar had an interaction with this dedicated fan, who closed his computer centre and travelled all the way to Mumbai, determined to meet the actor. The fan said, “Gaon me mera centre hai computer ka, usko band kar ke Shah Rukh sir se milne ke liye aya hu. Aur jab tak nahi milunga, tab tak yaha se mai nahi jaunga. [I have a computer centre in my village, which I have closed to come and meet Shah Rukh sir. And I would not leave here until I meet him.]
When asked why he believes Shah Rukh would meet him, the fan confidently replied, “Vo humse nahi, mai unse milunga. [It is not about him meeting me, I will meet him.]”
The man was also questioned about how leaving work for the past 95 days must have affected his finances. He replied, “Nuksaan ho raha hai, bohut nuksaan ho raha hai. Kya karoon? Fir milna hai. [I am incurring losses, a lot of losses. What can I do? I still want to meet him.]”
When asked about his family, the fan shared that he has a wife, a mother and a brother, all of whom are encouraging him to meet Shah Rukh Khan and return only after doing so. He added, “Mai milne ke liye yaha aaya hu. Mai milke nahi jaunga to mera izzat nahi bachega. [I have come here to meet him. If I do not meet him, I would not have any respect left.]”
The man also shared that he brought his car with him, where he sleeps and eats at hotels. He expressed his love for all of Shah Rukh Khan’s movies, including Koyla, Karan Arjun, Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge and Dil To Pagal Hai. When asked if he liked Pathaan and Jawan, he responded, “Itna interest nahi hai [I don’t find them much interesting],” hinting that he prefers Shah Rukh’s films from the 90s.
Shah Rukh Khan was last seen in Dunki. The film, directed by Rajkumar Hirani, also featured Taapsee Pannu, Boman Irani and Vicky Kaushal.
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