The Maha Kumbh Mela kickstarted on the auspicious day of Paush Purnima on January 13, 2025, in Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj. With millions and millions of shadhus, ascetics, tourists, and pilgrims, the largest religious congregation is taking place, and it will go on till February 22, 2025. Several famous personalities have reached to take part in this religious congregation, such as the late Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs’ wife, Laurene Powell. Well, it’s Opera Queen, Gioconda Veschelli, who also touched down in Prayagraj to be a part of the same. Recently, she shared her experience of the same and talked about her spiritual awakening.
Opera Queen, Gioconda Veschelli talks about witnessing the spiritual sunrise at the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025
In a conversation with, Gioconda Veschelli talked about experiencing a spiritual sunrise. She shared how wonderful and magical it was to take a holy dip at the Ganges. She added that it’s her third Kumbh Mela, and she is experiencing the fifth plunge. Stating that this is not an ordinary event and that 600M people attended the festival, Gioconda shared:
“This is no ordinary event, it is the world’s largest spiritual gathering. Can you believe that about 60 crore (600 million) people are attending this incredible festival? And here I am, celebrating my third Kumbh Mela and the holy Ganga. I am experiencing the fifth plunge.”
Opera Queen, Gioconda Veschelli shares her personal experience and her spiritual awakening at the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025
In the same interview, Opera Queen, Gioconda Veschelli revealed how the energy was electrifying when she, along with thousands of others, was standing at the Ganga ghat. She recalled how they all united with a deep sense of divine connection and devotion. Talking more about the same, Gioconda talked about the arrangements that were done reportedly with an investment of Rs. 7,000 crore.
She shared this event is also being called Digital Kumbh as several apps are being used to help the pilgrims. Apart from that, 1.6 lakh tents were set up here, 650 km of temporary roads, and 30 pontoon bridges were built. She also revealed how they are being served with delicious satvik food prepared with utmost care by the cooks. Gioconda shared that the food is being prepared through traditional methods, which not only brings a sense of satisfaction but also connects everyone with the essence of Kumbh Mela.
Gioconda Veschelli further shared that it felt really magical, and she also talked about her own spiritual experience. She stated that this spiritual journey etched her heart as it was not just a religious ceremony for her, but she also wanted to be near human connection, which can bring her a sense of spiritual awakening and a deep journey of pure and natural raw energy. She added how she came with a self-promise of the purification of her mind and the renewal of spiritual growth. Gioconda Veschelli stated:
“On reflection, it is not just a religious ceremony for me, it is human connection, spiritual awakening and a deep journey of pure, natural raw energy. Standing on the banks of the holy river at 4 am, surrounded by sadhus, in the cool Ganges Feeling the water, it is a moment that is beyond everything. I also have a personal promise with this spiritual journey. A promise of purification of the mind, renewal and spiritual growth.”
What do you think about Opera Queen’s revelations?
Also Read: Steve Jobs’ Wife, Laurene Powell Gets Unwell After ‘Ganga Snan’ At Maha Kumbh, Has New Name ‘Kamla’
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