The makers of Saawariya are celebrating the movie’s 17th anniversary today (November 9). Directed and produced by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, the film introduced debutants Ranbir Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor to Bollywood. To mark the special day, the team shared a video on Instagram. In the clip, we hear Rani Mukerji‘s iconic dialogue from the film: “Yeh kahaani jo mai aapko sunane jaa rahi hoon, yeh kisi aam insaan ki nahi, ek farishte ki kahaani hai. Fati-purani jeans, haathon mein guitar, rockstar farishta.” Following this, the title track plays, featuring Ranbir Kapoor’s memorable towel dance sequence. The video also shows Sonam dancing, leaving Ranbir mesmerised. The text at the end reads, “Celebrating 17 years of Saawariya.”
The side note read, “In the stillness of the night, under the moonlight, two hearts met, drawn by the magic of dreams and the hope of love Celebrating #17YearsOfSaawariya.”
Released in 2007, Saawariya went head-to-head at the box office with Om Shanti Om, which marked Deepika Padukone’s debut. The Farah Khan directorial featured Shah Rukh Khan in the male lead. While Om Shanti Om achieved significant box-office success, Saawariya received a lukewarm response. In July, Ranbir Kapoor reflected on how the failure of his debut film provided him with a valuable life lesson. The actor said, “It hardened me. Then Saawariya happened which again was a very big disaster. In hindsight, I’m glad it didn’t do well because that really prepared me for the life ahead,” during his appearance on Nikhil Kamath’s podcast, People by WTF.
Saawariya features Salman Khan in an extended guest role. Zohra Sehgal, Begum Para, Vibha Chibber, Atheya Chaudhri and Kenny Desai are also part of the project.
Regarding the lead actors, Sonam Kapoor was last seen in the 2023 film Blind. Meanwhile, Ranbir Kapoor delivered a stunning performance in Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal. Up next, Ranbir will appear in Animal‘s sequel, Animal Park, Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana Part: 1 and Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love And War, which also features his wife, actress Alia Bhatt.
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