Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s much-awaited upcoming movie Love And War will feature Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor And Vicky Kaushal. Recently, Ranbir and Vicky were also spotted at the director’s office, which added to fans’ excitement. Now a picture featuring the two actors with a fan is circulating on the internet, where they are seen at Bikaner’s Air Base Force, as reported by Pinkvilla. Ranbir has been shooting in Bikaner for a while now, which he took a break from to fly down to Mumbai for Diwali.
In the picture shared by a fan page, the actors are seen dressed in casual T-shirts and trousers, paired with caps and sunglasses, as they are smiling and posing for the camera. The post was captioned, “Ranbir and Vicky during Love and War preparations. #RanbirKapoor #VickyKaushal #LoveAndWar”
Ranbir and Vicky during Love and War preparations.#RanbirKapoor #VickyKaushal #LoveAndWar
— VarunRK 💫 (@Varun_RK88) November 5, 2024
This is not the first time that pictures of the two from the Air Base Force in Bikaner have gone viral. Earlier, the Sanju actors were photographed with an Air Force officer. This gave rise to conjecture that the actors might be playing Air Force officers in the upcoming film. Those pictures were shared with the caption, “Ranbir Kapoor and Vicky Kaushal have started preparing for Love and War,” followed by a heart emoji.
Ranbir Kapoor and Vicky Kaushal have started preparing for LoveandWar ❤️#RanbirKapoor #VickyKaushal #Ramayana
— VarunRK 💫 (@Varun_RK88) October 30, 2024
This film will mark Ranbir and Vicky’s second on-screen collaboration after 2018’s Sanju, Ranbir and Alia’s second film after Ayan Mukerji’s Brahmastra, and also Alia and Vicky’s next film together after Meghna Gulzar’s Raazi.
The shoot for Love And War was supposed to start on October 10 in Mumbai, but the schedule got pushed because of heavy rains. Alia Bhatt, who is currently working on her upcoming YRF movie Alpha with Sharvari, will join the shoot in December. The Sanjay Leela Bhansali movie will hit theaters on March 20, 2026.
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