Rupali Ganguly’s personal life has been embroiled in controversy lately. This is because her stepdaughter, Esha Verma, alleged that the actress had an extramarital affair with Ashwin Verma, Rupali’s now husband. Amid all this, Rupali is not letting the negativity affect her. She did create a household name for herself with Anupamaa. However, do you know about her and Ashwin’s unique love story?
Rupali Ganguly opens up about how Ashwin Verma was flirty with her
During an interview with Mashable India, Rupali spoke about how she met Ashwin, their relationship timeline, and her wedding proposal. The Anupamaa actress revealed how Ashwin had come to make an ad film. From 100-150 pictures, she was selected and called mad because she had left work then. In her words:
“I had left work at that time. I had joined a catering college. I was so disillusioned with the film industry and then I joined catering college when I was very young. And then I was dressed up as a 60-year-old, as a wife. Suddenly, when I came out as a 60-year-old with white hair and everything, the first line he (Ashwin) said was, ‘I wouldn’t mind getting old with someone like you.”
Rupali Ganguly remembers Ashwin Verma’s most flirty line
Ashwin Verma and Rupali Ganguly had a true love story. It looked like it was love at first sight for him. Rupali had thought that Ashwin was flirting with her as he was a tall and good-looking chap. They did not have any proposal story as the duo had started talking, and the amount they spent on ISD calls was insane. They were in a long-distance relationship, started as friends, and then got married. There was no proposal story, as both felt ready for marriage. They had a registered wedding and Rupali said:
“We decided on the date and I told Ashwin to talk to my father. He spoke to my father and they were convinced. We then spoke to Ashwin’s parents, it was nothing grand or pompous we did the registered marriage.”
Rupali took one day off from work to get married
The actress was doing Parvarrish when her wedding date was finalised. She remembered asking her producer for a holiday as she had told him she needed a day off for her marriage. Earlier, she told the producer she was about to get married but did not do so. The producer asked for confirmation, and then, as destiny had its way, Rupali called her near and dear ones, and she got married.
Rupali Ganguly celebrated Ashwin Verma’s birthday, in Jammu, this year
It was on September 17, 2024 when Rupali’s husband, Ashwin, turned a year older, and they had celebrated his birthday at Mata Vaishno Devi temple in Jammu. In her post, she had called him best husband, son, and father. Rupali, also wrote that her husband, Ashwin has always been supportive of her.
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