Shah Rukh Khan’s eldest son, Aryan Khan, was arrested in October 2021 by the Zonal Director of the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), Sameer Wankhede. This was because Aryan was allegedly responsible for doing drugs on the Cordelia cruise. He had spent 25 days in jail after the NCB had charged him under laws related to the possession, consumption and sale of illegal substances. However, the Bombay High Court granted him bail after three weeks as substantial evidence could not be produced before the HC. Amid all of this Sameer and SRK’s chats got leaked and allegations were levied on the officer of taking a bribe to release Aryan. Now, Wankhede, in a recent interview, has spoken about the smear campaign against him and the leaked chats.
Sameer Wankhede clarifies if he has leaked his and Shah Rukh Khan’s chats
Wankhede, in a recent interview with NEWJ was asked if he had the pressure to quash the case against Aryan Khan. Wankhede did not comment on the same directly but said that an affidavit has been submitted to the court, which restricts him from speaking about the case. However, he clarified his point and said that he did not leak the chats. Sameer Wankhede said:
“I am not that weak that I will leak things.”
However, when he was asked if the chats were leaked on purpose to show SRK and Aryan as victims, Wankhede said that whoever had done this needed to try harder.
Sameer Wankhede on being targeted by the media
The officer was further questioned if he was targeted as he had arrested the son of a megastar. Wankhede said that he would not say that he was targeted but will say that he has been the most fortunate person because he got a lot of love from people from the middle class, those who aren’t that fortunate. Wankhede further added:
“Sometimes I would think that this ordeal is worth it because of all the love I got. They felt that no matter how big someone is, everyone should face the same rules. I don’t have any regrets, I will do the same if given a chance.”
When he was asked about the allegations of charging Rs. 25 crore to release Aryan Khan, Wankhede quashed the claim and said that he never released Aryan. In fact, he had caught the star kid, the case has been in court, and he has full faith in the country’s judiciary system. Wankhede and five others were accused of alleged corruption and extortion in the complaint which the CBI filed. The CBI alleged that Wankhede had allowed his partners to threaten the family of Aryan Khan, saying that the star kid would be framed badly in a drugs case if they did not pay the amount.
What do you think of Sameer Wankhede’s revelations related to the leaked chats with SRK?
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