Jasprit Bumrah and his wife, Sanjana Ganesan, extended New Year wishes to their fans with an adorable selfie. The cricketer’s wife took to her Instagram handle and shared a heart-melting picture with her husband. The couple bid adieu to 2024 in Australia as Jasprit, currently representing India in the Border Gavaskar Trophy ’25 series.
Sanjana Ganesan and Jasprit Bumrah share an adorable selfie for New Year
Sanjana Ganesan took to her Instagram handle on December 31, 2024, a few hours before India clocked in 2025 and extended New Year wishes from Sydney, Australia. She shared a selfie where the couple all smiled as they seemed out for dinner. Jasprit looked spectacular in a grey shirt, and Sanjana, as usual, looked gorgeous in a beige halter-neck top. She had her hair slick back and donned minimal make-up.
Sanjana Ganesan shared the adorable reason behind son, Angad’s absence from the picture
Sanjana shared a picture of herself and Jasprit Bumrah on her Instagram handle. However, their son, Angad, was missing from the picture. Sanjana knew her fans would want to know about their son’s absence. She shared the reason behind his absence, and it was the cutest thing ever. Explaining her son’s absence, she captioned the post:
“Happy 2025 from mum and dad and Angadoo, who isn’t in this picture because he went to bed at 9 PM like the best little boy he is.”
Sanjana Ganesan had previously shared Angad’s picture holding Bumrah’s match balls
Jasprit Bumrah has been wreaking havoc with his impeccable skills. It seemed like his balls were meant to take wickets in the ongoing series. The baller was recorded as the highest wicket-taker of the series, with 30 wickets to his name. The said hits were recorded from four matches and gave Jasprit an average of 12.83 with three five-wicket hauls. However, Jasprit is not known to stop, he registered his second successive nine-wicket haul of the series soon after at the Boxing Day Test in Melbourne. Binding the Australian team at a score of 9/156.
Even though his contribution to the game did not win the team the match, the country was proud of him, and so was his son. After the end of the game, his wife, Sanjana, took her Instagram handle and shared a story about their son Angad. In the photograph, little Angad was seen holding Jasprit’s match balls. Sanjana posted the picture on her social media account with an adorable caption. She penned a sweet message from Angad to his super baller dad, Jasprit Bumrah:
“Proud of you Dadda, today and everyday.”
What are your thoughts on Jasprit Bumrah and Sanjana Ganesan’s cute New Year wish?
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