Iconic actor, Shah Rukh Khan, crowned as the last of the stars by many, turned 59 on Saturday, November 2, 2024. To the disappointment of his fans, the Jawan actor did not keep up his annual tradition of waving to them from his home, Mannat, due to security reasons. However, Shah Rukh did give them a little treat by meeting them at an indoor meet-and-greet event. He danced to his iconic songs and answered the many questions fans had. Further, he dropped a massive bomb about his smoking habit.
Shah Rukh Khan makes a massive revelation about smoking habit at 59th birthday meet and greet
Shah Rukh Khan attended an indoor meet and greet event called ‘SRK Day’ hosted by his Bandra fan clubs at Bal Gandharva Rang Mandir hall. During the same, he had a ton of fun with fans, dancing for them and answering their questions in a fun Q&A session.
However, he also made a huge revelation about his smoking habit, saying that he had quit. A video from the event posted by one of his fan clubs has been going viral online. In it, the star left fans screaming and applauding in delight when he said:
“There’s a good thing – I’m not smoking anymore, guys.”
Following the happy revelation, Shah Rukh took a moment to speak about the side effects he was feeling from quitting. The star confessed that he thought he wouldn’t feel so breathless after quitting smoking, but he still was. However, Shah Rukh expressed his hope that he would start feeling better soon and said, ‘Inshallah.’
Watch the video here .
When Shah Rukh Khan revealed that he smoked 100 cigarettes per day
For the unversed, Shah Rukh Khan had once revealed that he smoked 100 cigarettes a day in an earlier interview with India Today. The actor claimed that he relied on black coffee and cigarettes instead of water. He had also joked that he felt more taken care of by others when he stopped caring for himself. In his words:
“I don’t drink water. I have about 30 cups of black coffee and I have a six-pack. The less I take care of myself, the more I get taken care of.”
Shah Rukh Khan takes to Instagram with thank you message for fans in iconic open arms pose
The event seems to have been a blast for Shah Rukh Khan and his fans alike. While his fan clubs went crazy posting video after video from the ‘SRK Day,’ the star himself took to Instagram to thank everyone that showed up and made his birthday special. The post featured a picture of him doing his signature open-arms pose at the event, and he captioned it:
“Thank you for coming over and making my evening special… my love to everyone who made it for my birthday. And for those who couldn’t, sending you all my love.”
What do you think about Shah Rukh Khan’s revelation that he has quit smoking?
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