Shah Rukh Khan celebrated his 59th birthday on November 2, 2024, and since then, he has been trending all over the internet for one or two reasons. Recently, the Bollywood superstar won everyone’s hearts after he met his die-hard fan from Jharkhand named Sher Mohammed, who waited outside his home, Mannat, for 95 days. Now, once again, he is dominating the headlines after he was spotted coming out of a dubbing studio in Mumbai with his three kids, Suhana Khan, AbRam Khan, and Aryan Khan.
Shah Rukh Khan, AbRam Khan, and Aryan Khan dub for Disney’s much-awaited prequel film, Mufasa: The Lion King
For the uninitiated, Shah Rukh Khan and his sons, AbRam Khan and Aryan Khan were dubbing for the Hindi version of Disney’s upcoming film, Mufasa: The Lion King. While Shah Rukh and Aryan Khan are reprising their roles as ‘Mufasa’ and ‘Simba’, it is AbRam’s debut, who has lent his voice to the younger version of ‘Mufasa’ in the film. No wonder the film will be special for SRKians, who are excitedly waiting to see AbRam’s dubbing alongside his father and brother.
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Disney’s much-awaited film, Mufasa: The Lion King is all set to be released in theaters on December 20, 2024. Several photos and videos of Shah Rukh Khan stepping out of the dubbing studio have been making rounds on social media. One thing that caught everyone’s attention was the way he hid behind an umbrella. This isn’t the first time we have seen Shah Rukh hiding behind an umbrella, and most of the netizens speculate that he did that to hide his new look in his upcoming film.
Suhana Khan protects her baby brother, AbRam Khan while Aryan Khan avoids paps
Most of the headlines were about Shah Rukh Khan’s look and the way he covered himself behind an umbrella. However, King Khan’s daughter, Suhana Khan, also received a lot of love on social media for protecting her younger brother, AbRam Khan, from the crowd outside the dubbing studio. On the flip side, Aryan avoided interacting with the paps and went straight into his car.
Click here to see the video.
Talking about their respective outfits for the dubbing, Shah Rukh Khan looked cool in a white shirt and blue jeans, while Aryan opted for a large graphic tee, which he paired with cargo pants. The doting sister, Suhana Khan was spotted wearing a grey-hued hoodie with matching trousers. Talking about the youngest Khan of the family, AbRam, the little kid looked cute in a dark blue tee and shorts of the same hue.
Click here to watch the video.
Are you excited to witness Shah Rukh Khan, AbRam Khan, and Aryan Khan’s magic in the upcoming Disney film, Mufasa: The Lion King? Let us know.
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