Shah Rukh Khan recently celebrated his 59th birthday but seems like along with celebrating with his family and friends, the actor is granting wishes as well. The Dunki actor who comes out to wave at his fans every year on his birthday from his balcony skipped the long-kept tradition. SRK opted to attend a fan-hosted event in Bandra instead and one lucky fan had his wish granted after waiting for 95 long days.
Shah Rukh Khan Meets His Fan After 95 Days
Shah Rukh Khan is one of the most loved actors in the industry and even after 30 years fans’ love for the actor has only increased. SRK’s interactions with his fans have always been the sweetest, but one recent interaction has us all in awe. A man from Jharkhand travelled to Mumbai and waited outside the actor’s residence for 95 days just to catch a glimpse of his hero, but like ‘Om’ said in Om Shanti Om:
“Agar kisi cheez ko dil se chaaho to puri kayanat usey tumse milane ki koshish mein lag jaati hai.”
The fan’s wish came true when he did not just catch a glimpse but got to meet his idol one-on-one. Shah Rukh Khan made his fan’s wishes come true and even more. The Baazigar actor also clicked a picture with him! That too on the actor’s 59th birthday!
A fan who travelled from Jharkhand to meet Shah Rukh Khan
Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club took to X on November 4, 2024, and shared that the fan, who had closed his computer centre and travelled from Jharkhand to meet the actor has finally got to meet him after 95 days. The fan named, Sher Mohammed, was seen outside the actor’s residence every day with a sign expressing his wish to meet SRK.
The fan club account shared a post with a photo of the fan with the actor shaking hands. Shah Rukh Khan wore a grey t-shirt, with a beanie, sunglasses, and silver accessories. The post was captioned:
“LATEST: King Khan meets the FAN who had travelled from Jharkhand and had been waiting for more than 95 days outside Mannat to meet him! Truly, agar kisi cheez ko pure dil se chaaho SRK makes his dream come true! #ShahRukhKhan #King #SRKDay #HappyBirthdaySRK”
Click here to see the post.
Shah Rukh Khan attended a fan-organized event in Bandra, where the actor danced, answered fan questions, and also shared that he had quit smoking which left the fans applauding with delight. The actor will soon be seen alongside his daughter, Suhana Khan in Sujoy Ghosh’s King.
What are your thoughts on Shah Rukh Khan’s sweet gift to his fan? Let us know.
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