Sham Kaushal is a veteran stunt director and a proud dad to two sons who have broken into the Bollywood scene, Sunny and Vicky Kaushal. However, the duo’s journey in Indian cinema hasn’t always been easy, and recently, their father got candid about the same. Sham revealed that Vicky didn’t just face countless rejections as he auditioned for his big break. On some occasions, the then-newcomer was humiliated, too.
Sham Kaushal thought people might offer his sons, Vicky and Sunny, tea but not a film worth crores
Sham Kaushal firmly stated that he had always made sure his sons, Sunny and Vicky, prioritised their education. The stunt coordinator had hoped that doing so would help his kids develop a sense of discipline and a hardworking spirit. For this reason, both Sunny and Vicky were enrolled in ‘normal schools.’
However, much to Sham’s surprise, Sunny and Vicky expressed a desire to work in the film industry. According to the doting dad, he felt he couldn’t forbid them from pursuing a career in acting as he was earning a living from the same industry. Sham said:
“I couldn’t say no because I was earning from the same industry. I thought someone might offer them tea out of respect for me, but nobody would invest crores in a film with them. However, since I also came from a village and worked hard, I believed that if they stayed honest and put in effort, they would not be denied.”
Sham Kaushal says he never used his position as an action director to get Vicky and Sunny work
Sham Kaushal further revealed that while he may have gained recognition in Bollywood as an action director, he never used it to do his sons’ favours. He told Vicky and Sunny that he would always support them as a father. However, he made it clear that he would not be able to help them professionally. And Sham stuck to his words by never approaching anyone to give Vicky or Sunny roles.
Sham Kaushal recalls people refused to audition his son, Vicky Kaushal
Sham Kaushal also got candid about the tough experiences his son, Vicky, had to go through during his initial years in the industry. The stunt director recalled that people would flat-out refuse to audition Vicky, saying, “Vicky ka kya audition lena.”
However, during those difficult times, Sham advised his sons to look at every humiliation as a learning experience. The stunt director recalled telling Sunny and Vicky:
“Until you experience humiliation, you won’t truly grow. Make that insult your strength.”
Sham opened up about his son, Vicky, struggling tirelessly for almost 4-5 years to get his big break. The stunt co-ordinator said that when Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana finally came Vicky’s way, the budding actor had doubts about the role as it was a small part. Sham recounted:
“Vicky told me that he got a 3-4 scene in Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana and many people were telling him not to do that small role, but I always believe beggars can’t be choosers and I told him to listen to his heart. He later called me and said that ‘I keep looking for work and they are giving me work so I want to do it.’ I stood by his decision.”
What do you think about Sham Kaushal’s revelations about how his sons, Sunny and Vicky Kaushal, struggled in Bollywood in their initial years?
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