Shark Tank India Season 4 has been grabbing all the headlines since the time it premiered. The 4th season of the show runs around the original format of the show, wherein aspiring entrepreneurs and founders pitch their business ideas and secure investments. This season, two new sharks joined the show, Kunal Bahl and Viraj Bahl. Apart from them, the show also features Peyush Bansal, Anupam Mittal, Namita Thapar, Vineeta Singh, and Aman Gupta. In the first episode of the show, a pitcher was left upset with the way Anupam and Peyush talked to her.
Delhi-based entrepreneur, Gauri Varma’s pitch on Shark Tank India 4
On the first episode of the show, Delhi-based entrepreneur, Gauri Varma pitched her confectionary brand, Confect, to the panel of Sharks. She revealed how she first landed in the idea after eloping with her husband and getting married in Las Vegas. Gauri spent Rs. 36K for her wedding cake. Following that, she tried to gather knowledge about food technology and started creating sprinkles and fondants. Eventually, her products grew to 800. Well, Peyush tagged it to be a big mistake and added that she should have been focused more on perfecting the fondants, well, Gauri didn’t agree with the same.
Anupam Mittal revealed he felt uneasy about betting on Gauri due to her restless nature
On Shark Tank India, Gauri Varma asked for Rs. 1 crore for 1 per cent equity, making her brand valued at Rs. 100 crore. Moreover, it was her honesty that left Anupam and Namita arguing. Anupam Mittal was stunned with Gauri saying that she feels restless every few years and needs to learn something new. Anupam said that, given it’s her nature to be restless, he is feeling uneasy about betting on her. Anupam also pointed out how Gauri moved to the US market by abandoning her business in India, to which Aman Gupta also agreed and asked her where she would run if she sensed trouble in the US market as well.
Gauri Varma sealed the deal with Namita Thapar
Towards the end, Namita Thapar made an offer to give her Rs. 1 with 2 per cent equity and asked for royalty. He also gave one condition before making the offer that Gauri should focus on balancing her business and giving equal attention to the Indian market as well. Moreover, the deal was finalised between Namita and Gauri, as she happily accepted the former’s offer. Anupam Mittal was stunned by the same, and he pointed out how quickly Gauri flipped to whatever she had mentioned in her pitch.
Gauri Varma was angry with sharks, Anupam and Peyush
Gauri Varma seemed to be angry during the post-pitch piece-to-camera. She said about Anupam, “Ab ho rahi hai na FOMO?” She also advised the sharks not to give excuses as they don’t know anything about cakes. She further mentioned that the Sharks could have easily said that they were not interested in the deal, instead of giving their ‘worthless’ advice. She said:
“Ab ho rahi hai na FOMO?. Felt like telling Peyush he should sell just one design at Lenskart. They don’t understand the first thing about cakes, befaltu ke excuses mat do.”
What do you think about Gauri being angry with Anupam and Peyush?
Also Read: ‘Shark Tank India 4’ FAE Beauty Founder, Karishma Refuses Anupam Mittal’s Rs. 1.5 Crore Offer
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