Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela celebrates its 11th anniversary today. Released in 2013, this romantic tragedy features Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone in lead roles. Supriya Pathak Kapur, Richa Chadha and Gulshan Devaiah are also part of the project. To mark the occasion, the makers shared a series of iconic stills from the film on Instagram. The nostalgic post is a treat for cinephiles, evoking memories of the film’s captivating storyline. The text attached to the post read, “Where every frame breathes a tale of love, conflict, and revenge! Celebrating 11 Years Of Ram Leela.” Take a look:
Here’s another post dropped by the makers on Instagram:
Did you know Deepika Padukone was not the first choice to play the role of Leela Sanera? During an appearance on Koffee With Karan, Ranveer revealed that Kareena Kapoor was initially cast as the female lead in the film. Ranveer said, “Ram-Leela was supposed to happen with me and Kareena Kapoor in the lead. The set was ready. One week before the roll, for some reason, Kareena had to exit the film.”
The actor continued, “Then we were sitting and wondering who to cast. And Cocktail (2012) had just happened (released). So there was a discussion with Sanjay Leela Bhansali, all the ADs and myself in the office, about who we should take. And I was batting for team Deepika [Padukone], because I just saw Cocktail, and she got cast.” In addition to Ram-Leela, Ranveer and Deepika worked with Sanjay Leela Bhansali in two more films —Bajirao Mastani and Padmavaat. The couple got married in 2018 and welcomed their daughter Dua in September this year.
Circling back to Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela, the film received eight nominations at the 59th Filmfare Awards and secured three wins. Deepika Padukone won Best Actress, Supriya Pathak won Best Actress in a Supporting Role, and Samir and Arsh Tanna won Best Choreography for the song Lahu Muh Lag Gaya.
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